#RSUpdate - June 28, 10:55 Game Time
We have deployed a Warm Fix to resolve issues with Clickbox precision. Thanks for your patience while we worked on sorting this.
Please reboot your RuneScape Client for this update to take effect.
📣 RuneScape Maintenance Alert - June 28
We will be rebooting World 84 in just under an hour (~9:23 Game Time) in order to improve stability on that server during The Beach event.
Please avoid dangerous activities on World 84 until after the reset.
#RSHotfix - 14:30 Game Time, June 27
Players no longer disconnect when attempting to fish at the Beach’s rock pools with a c*cktail active.
#RSHotfix - 14:30 Game Time, July 27
Before all hell breaks loose next week, let's hit The Beach! ⛱
@Maximus_Gugu: Tried something different this time📹 'Twilight of the Gods' was such a fun quest that I felt inspired to design a new (an…
PSA: We will be performing server maintenance today at 10:30 Game Time.
This will be a brief shutdown followed by the launch of the Game Update as the servers come back online.
Please avoid dangerous activities around this time.
@JagexEasty: We're now launching this week's RuneScape game update, aiming to briefly shut down the servers at 10:30 game time (11:30am…
Zamorak is our most scalable Boss experience ever - from an accessible Story Mode up to near-unlimited enrages.
Here's what to expect when Lord of Chaos drops July 4!
In your fifth and final Elder God Wars Dungeon battle, you'll face the God of Chaos himself: Zamorak. ➡️
An incredible volcano that is great to climb. 🔥
@JagexSponge: Oh btw, hitting the Zamorak 'rares' table will have bad luck mitigation. Whilst we avoided having giga-rare drops, we also…
Now: ▶️
The Infernal Puzzle Box, a new reward coming with the Legacy of Zamorak storyline.
Now: Daughter of Chaos. Join us!
@Legend_Arts: commission for @RuneScape,
God Zamorak! the Lord of Chaos and Death.
Serious question: what's your favourite colour?
All you need to know about Zamorak.
This concept art is 🔥🔥🔥