Scapers beware… you’re missing a scare!
🎃 You only have until November 1st to participate in our hair-raising Halloween event.
Try new activities, earn spooktacular rewards, and answer the age-old question… who let the dogs out?!
@JagexDorn: 💰 Aaand literally right after the stream...
Definitely going to try out Hard Mode this weekend.
Developers @JagexSponge & @JagexRyan are here to answer your burning questions about the #TzekHaarFront
Duba Diba Duba Di Bu Di Ba...
The Zombie Walk override has returned as part of the 'Grim Harvest' promotion, available until Nov 1!
Let's talk about the #TzekHaarFront!
We'll be live at 4pm Game Time with developers @JagexSponge & @JagexRyan to answer your burning questions.
Find us at
Be Fast. Be Flawless.
Prove you can be the quickest by 11:59pm Game Time on October 31st and claim your glory. Up to the challenge?
@JagexRamen: Some stuff just doesn't make it past our editors 😢
#RSHotfix: Additional hits from Wild Magic and Omnipower abilities now hit nearby targets when combined with the Greater Chain ability.
@Plegsie: Selfies before challenge📸 @RuneScape #Runescapescreenies #Runescape3
#RSHotfix: Oct 27 2021
⚙️ Players can no longer bypass Zuk’s hard mode requirement by toggling another boss' hard mode
⚙️ Omnipower damage now matches the written tooltip
⚙️ The Scripture of Ful effect now increases damage received as intended, instead of reducing it.
Some have already proven themselves worthy. Others.. well we're working on it.
Let's hear your highest Wave or KC so far in the TzekHaar Front!
Lady Elisa (@Elisa_Mk8dx) has earned eternal glory by being World's First to complete a Flawless run of #TzekHaarFront Hard Mode!
Now there's some serious bragging rights.
@JagexRyan: How's everyone finding the TzekHaar Front so far?
#RSHotfix: Players will no longer crash and disconnect when using the Magma Tempest ability followed by clearing the autocast spell.
@JagexRyan: With the TzekHaar Front release, we introduced an 'Immune' hitsplat when hitting an NPC for 0 damage.
What do you think? Th…
🎧 on. 🔁 all day.
The Glory Of Combat, composed by @JagexSurma.
We're hearing some first reports of some successful Flawless runs on Hard Mode! #TzekHaarFront!
We're now going to examine our data to verify who can claim the glory of World's First. Stay tuned for confirmation tomorrow!
#RSHotfix: The TzekHaar Front intro cutscene now plays when clicking on the crater to prevent any sneaky Tzekhaar attacks while you absorb that sweet lore.