@AndrewFerrell5 Play at your pace :)
@veracsfail 🔥 Battle of the Marshmallows 🔥
@RS_Inpu Quick follow-up: we can confirm our teams are working on fixing it :)
@RS_Inpu Ok, our teams will look into this. Thanks for flagging!
@AlvinMerks: Wanted to see the changes @RuneScape on mobile for the characters. The interface model looks so clean and shiney that my Fa…
@RS_Inpu @RS_Inpu Thanks for the info. This has been passed along so as soon as there is an update we'll let everyone know.
@RS_Inpu @RS_Inpu What device are you playing on?
@Doctor_BrianRS @Doctor_BrianRS Breakfast and then world domination? Then second breakfast?
@ScodeyDan @ScodeyDan I'll make sure to pass this along, maybe even get them some cookies :)
@jordanmiddle @jordanmiddle Oh no! *opens app* OH NO! Keep us updated on the progress, I'll keep you updated on the icecream situation :)
@jordanmiddle @jordanmiddle Welcome back! You're the second person today to mention getting 99 and now all I can think of is getting an icecream! Wonder if those food delivery apps deliver cones...
Pentember 25th - The battlefield burned. The last of Zaros’ followers had backed themselves into a clearing where Azzanadra lay, apparently incapacitated.
🔥 Read the last Battle of the Monolith report:
@dbertok @dbertok Way to go!
@amagicmonkfish @amagicmonkfish We'll make sure you receive the rewards if you were part of the beta. No additional info or dates to share at the moment, but our teams are on it.
@LadyMary_1 @LadyMary_1 Don't worry we will make sure you receive the rewards if you were part of the beta. No date to share just yet, but our teams are on it.
@Ivjyot_O @Ivjyot_O Try following the steps here:
@Kellz_rs @Kellz_rs Think of how much you'll save on helms now!
@jaysaweeb @JagexSupport @jaysaweeb @JagexSupport Grats on the drop, will pass along the issue :)
@TheBlindRogue @TheBlindRogue Will pass this along.