
Runescape Dev Tracker

09 Apr


We are as bumbed about it as all of you :(


Originally posted by TheOmikron

Data stream! <3 Especially if you can get anything regarding archaeology, that would be super cool to see.

We have something up our sleeves on this one. Watch this space.


Originally posted by Dudesorz

It says: THANKS FOR REGISTERING! You will need to confirm your subscription to the mailing list by following the link in an e-mail that you will receive shortly. Don't forget to check your junk folder if you don't see the e-mail after a few minutes.

Hmm odd, I've flagged it with the team so that they can do some investigations


Originally posted by TheAyech

Oh dang! I completely missed it somehow! I am definitely going to make something -^

I'd just double-check the closing date (details are in the Archaeology release newspost) but looking forward to seeing your entry!


Originally posted by JagexJD

Ooh, yes please.

I'm not sure if this suggestion works as a Live stream, do you have any other suggestions by any chance? something something quiz maybe?


Originally posted by Seafox55

Every time I sign up for iOS beta updates with email I never get the confirmation email :( I’ve checked literally every folder, junk, spam, and all. Am I doing something wrong?

I don't think we send a confirmation e-mail as you're basicly signing up for a mailing list.


Originally posted by JagexPoerkie

We'll be ramping up our live streaming schedule, so if you have any great ideas for a live stream share them with us please.

Ooh, yes please.


We'll be ramping up our live streaming schedule, so if you have any great ideas for a live stream share them with us please.


Cost reduction is coming soon, any additional set effect other than not degrading in elite dungeons has been scrapped for now.


Originally posted by Genji_main420

Okay my Samsung Galaxy tab A meets those specs as it is Android 9 with 3gb ram. Yet in Google play it says my device isn't compatible. This is why people are wanting a regularly updated list. Many people are in this same boat of hearing this broad statement of compatibility only to find their device that meets said statement still can't get the app.

Samsung Galaxy tab A

We had to block most/all of these Tab A devices due to very low GPU performance - i.e. half the performance of a flagship android phone from 6-7 years ago! I'm afraid these devices are not suitable for 3d gaming, they are intended for media consumption only, same applies to many cheap android tablets


Yeah we know about this, it's due to deficiencies in the old microsoft xaudio api we use, there is a workaround that will try to switch device if you unfocus the NXT window (based on the incorrect assumption that switching audio device requires going to some control panel menu, rather than simply plugging in a USB device), so that may be something you can try, but of course no use if it crashes first

We're due to move to wasapi or some other modern API, which would allow us to handle this situation more nicely, but as it stands there is no way for us to know that the audio device has changed. In my personal experience we are not the only game/app with this issue!


I'm always up for consistency so if that is how all the others work I can't see why we wouldn't do it for this one. passed it on!


Originally posted by zenyl

iPhones ready: Check.

TestFlight installed: Check.

Get hype: Check.

newst post with details to register: not check :(


Originally posted by SysyphusX1

Honestly not sure how they'll handle it, Apple betas go through something called TestFlight and it has a cap at 10,000 users per beta. Hoping to get more info in the coming weeks.

This is true. We'll be providing more details in advance of the beta, but as you point out - it will be pretty limited as to how many we can have in there.


Originally posted by TheAyech

Thank you very much! Will there be any other player galleries anytime soon? :3

There's one live now for Archaeology!


Originally posted by SysyphusX1

Excited about the iOS beta coming up finally!

We're excited too ;)


Originally posted by MonzellRS

Is there going to be a list of official supported devices? (inc. tablets) or will we have to wait for launch?

I think it's quite hard to build an official list of that right now. we make changes to the supported devices regularly, initially we blacklisted a few more and over the past couple of months we've loosened the requirements a bit again.

once we're happy with it I imagine we'll publish it. The recommend specs from our support page are:

Android 6.0 and above
2GB Ram

If you meet these requirements you should generally be fine.