
Runescape Dev Tracker

10 Mar


Originally posted by quietkills

If someone submits like a bug report or something else that doesn't fit ninja criteria do you just toss out those suggestions or do you forward them to relevant teams?

fwd to the relevant teams, in batches :)


Originally posted by ItsLuckyDucky

Might be better in the future to have these signs go away after you engage with the activity or talk with the NPC that it's above.

Once you know it's there, I don't see much reason for it to still display.

Passed this bit of feedback on to the team responsible for the event.


Originally posted by Legionsx

You mean to say you are cold fixing an mtx events graphical bug, but could never coldfix the pvm bugs that ever came with a Mondays update??

It's a graphical bug for the majority of players, but there are also a smaller portion of players experiencing client crashes or are unable to log-in as a result. Hence we decided to go for a cold fix.


This doesn't look good, it might be a side effect from the recent warm fix we applied in an attempt to fix something else. Apologies for the inconvenience and we hope to resolve the issue at 2PM game time.


Hey all,

In an attempt to reduce the size of the icon displayed above the head of the master crafter in the crafting guild things haven't gone as anticipated. As a result, various other images are being displayed above the NPC's head right now.

Additionally this hotfix is also causing client crashes to players and stopping them from logging in all together.

In order to resolve this we will be applying a cold fix to the game at 2:00PM game time. This means we will have to temporarily turn off all worlds to carry out the work. Expect the downtime to be +- 10 minutes.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Keep an eye out on this thread for future updates in relation to the pending cold fix.

Update 13:39:

  • Countdown is live & broadcast is out
  • Added a line of players experiencing crashes and/or not being able to log in.

Update 14:04:

  • Game is ba...
Read more External link →

Hey there, we're aware of this and working on a cold fix to resolve this.


We tried and sadly not with that much success, as a result we will be applying a cold fix at 2PM to resolve this.


Hey there,
This has been an unintended side effect from us trying to hotfix the size of the Master Crafter Icon. We're on the case and will be attempting a cold fix at 2:00PM Game time.


Originally posted by Squidlips413

Can we get more information on this "stage 1" check? Particularly if there are good ways for players to submit higher quality suggestions to make your lives easier

At the moment, we're happy with the suggestions we're getting in, but if the quality starts going down then we may release guidance on it. My feeling is at the moment there's no need - as long as you're clear on your dojo challenge, that's all you need to worry about. Don't consider it a 1 in 4 chance of getting your suggestion into our backlog, we will take all those that suit our remit :)


Originally posted by Lorberry

Out of curiosity, how many of those suggestions are duplicates?

I couldn't tell you as we're not marking them as dupe (but now you mention it we'll start doing that) but it's not too excessive.

09 Mar


Originally posted by ImRubic

Just curious. When an update like this is tested, does anyone go in-game to see if issues like this exist? Or is this something unique to live servers?

It's some funky stuff that could happen to the live servers if I am right. We have a team testing the release build continuously and often they will catch everything


Hey there,

We will be decreasing the size of this in next monday's update.

It is bigger than it should have been. However the only way we could fix this is with a cold fix, which it doesn't warrant in our opinion


Originally posted by x2o55ironman

Is there any chance we see a change to the raptor cosmetic outfit drop chance?

Currently it's 1/3 where a lot of players have the opinion that it should be guaranteed.

Also, could the advanced outfit degradation be looked at? I don't think I've seen a single player wear the advanced outfit just because of how ridiculous the upkeep it

Part of the rebalance has been making the Raptor outfit 100% yeah. I wasn’t actually personally aware of the degrading on the advanced outfit though so i’ll relay that to the team and see what we determine. Thanks for raising it! :D


Originally posted by AssassinAragorn

Ooh are you on the Ninja team now Breezy?

Yes :)


Originally posted by yineedname

Any news on the Big Game Hunter rings and spears losing colour?

this is an issue caused by the engine and they tend to take a bit longer to be resolved. We've not forgotten about it and are still on the chase to get a fix out for it.


Originally posted by RSDrebin

Hey Kalaya,

Seeing as you’re looking at drop tables, what’s the situation with the wonderful world of Stone Spirits?

Nothing better than getting B2B2B2B spirits from top tier bosses on your ironman such as Nex, Telos etc etc, thus wasting your food/pot supplies completely.

Literally just had a conversation on this. I'm confirming nothing, but yeah we're aware.