
Runescape Dev Tracker

07 Jan


This has been hotfixed. Cheers.


Originally posted by JagexCam

Apologies for this - it's being looked into now.

It has now been resolved.


Apologies for this - it's being looked into now.


Originally posted by RealTime_RS

As much as I can tell Shauny loves the game and that's why he does this stuff, I can't help but think Jagex has just gained him as a slave... Just look at the topics discussed, it's what you would expect to come straight from Jagex but officially.

Let the conspriacies begin!

I did these topics because they're synonymous with Pi and I think it's what people wanted to hear discussed:)


Originally posted by bloody_angel1

Why do you only ever pick people who has RS in their username for the WIN 3 Bonds for #FreeStuffFriday giveaway?

Literally, every week, the winner is someone that has some form of Runescape in their username, or is an RS influencer of some sort, or has more than a certain amount of follower. It's not fair to everyone else who isn't an influencer making videos and promoting your game. Some of us just like to play and don't have a following. Stop playing favorites and pick normal people too.

I can answer this one and say we use a tool to randomly choose a winner each week.

06 Jan


You're literally reading too much into this, historically when stuff like this has happened there's always been action taken, the holiday period has probably affected their plans for deciding what to say and it wouldn't surprise me if they announce something on stream tomorrow, it makes sense to do so.

Two quick examples that come to mind

Read more

I get why the Clue Pet won, but honestly the Meerkat pet fit the theme of clues so well, especially as they're used to help you benefit in Clues :(


Originally posted by San4311

Jesus that took a while now didn't it.

What ever happened to posting 15 minutes ahead?

soo I will be honest with you.....

I thought Mod Niku would do it and Mod Niku thought I would do it. So neither of us did it. But we've recovered and put it live now! Our apologies, I think we're still in holiday mode.