This week's skins are now available on the store!
A smaller than usual 2-week update including a new Hunting Bow Model, Map changes, various bugfixes and more monument lighting changes.
Here's @Shadow_frax taking a peek into this week's Rust development.
This week's skins are available on the store now!
Due to the Steam store still having issues we've added the direct links to this week's items on the Devblog
Due to the Steam store still having issues we've added the direct links to this week's items on the Deblog
Happy Easter!
Here's @Shadow_frax taking a look into this week's development.
This week's skins are available on the store.
Here's @Shadow_frax taking a peek into what's new in this month's update.
This week's skins will be available on the store tomorrow.
A clientside fix for invisible bodies is building and a patch will be available shortly
Fractional Reloading, The large Oilrig, New Weapons, A tonne of Quality of Life updates and more ...
Here's @Shadow_frax with his weekly look into Rust's Development.
Here's @Shadow_frax with his weekly peek into Rust's Development.
We've released a client update that fixes several performance issues from the new ocean waves, lots of crafting menu stutter and some oil rig lighting glitches.
A server patch has been released to address an infrequent crash.