@JohnSilverSoT @JobiwanUk A beautiful spot, to be sure, but the map isn't reacting at all. Good try.
@simo263m @JobiwanUk Ah, nope, the map didn't even give as much as a flutter.
@Amorose16 @JobiwanUk That boat's certainly waiting for a repair, but our map isn't responding. Perhaps Lone Cove isn't the answer.
@JobiwanUk Well done on your deed, but our riddle map doesn't appear to be reacting. We tried looking at it from lots of angles as well.
@Captain_12Craft @JobiwanUk That's quite a recent creation, as much as we enjoy your reasoning. Afraid the sheet isn't reacting at all.
@DrPewNStuff @JobiwanUk An interesting place to visit, but our map isn't reacting, as much as we shake it.
@simo263m @JobiwanUk Our map doesn't seem to be reacting, but we are interested about what island you're investigating.
@JobiwanUk A lovely place to visit, but our map isn't reacting at all we're afraid.
@zureta_fya @JobiwanUk It certainly seems like it could fit, all those objects waiting to be repaired... our map doesn't appear to be reacting though.
@FortuneFinn @JobiwanUk The idea of items lying in wait is an interesting one, but our map's not reacting we're afraid.
@IIMikezII @JobiwanUk A welcome stab indeed, we understand the logic of items waiting to be used again. Our map's not responding, though, we're afraid.
@TheCloudBeeTTV @JobiwanUk A good attempt, but our map's not reacting...
@GalacticGeek A good attempt, though that doesn't seem very secret...
@ayman_dirbas @JobiwanUk A good try, but the map's not reacting at all we're afraid.
@DrPewNStuff @JobiwanUk Not sure the lair was easily found by many pirates.
@OrdonianWarrior @JobiwanUk A good guess, but we're not sure what it would take to wake them up.
@Iwako24521707 @JobiwanUk We see the logic, but not sure we'd say they're hibernating.
@ma_sonch They're something, not sure it's hibernating.
@cptpeach @ma_sonch These two barrels may have worked, but a lot of pirates hurried to that island all at once so we have a new riddle!
@snakeofficialyt @ma_sonch Some of those barrels might just have worked! A lot of pirates seemed to race to the island though.