That one was solved by @JobiwanUk by our reckoning, we should be able to spare a few coins for your efforts. For those keeping count, this is clue number three.
@SeaOfThieves @ma_sonch #SOTchallenge More barrels! IN LAND IN A CAVE. A SPECIAL PAIR. one sleeping one awake!? Or the pots.
@Captain_12Craft A poetic image indeed, however people seem to be having more luck at another island!
@t_tortellini @ma_sonch Some people seem to be getting close! Inland seems to be a key hint.
@gaysquibz @ma_sonch We'd say they're more slumped than standing.
@OrdonianWarrior @ma_sonch The logic is strong! Our map's not reacting though... maybe it's not on that island?
@rare_fanatic @ma_sonch An impressive line of thought! Clearly much smarter than whoever wrote this note.
@Taaaaamas We'd call them slumped.
@Taaaaamas We feel like this is close! The map hasn't cleared up yet but this feels closer to it.
@GreenLikeable @ma_sonch @Mad_Lantern already tried that one!
@SeaOfThieves What about this two part of boat on shipwreck Bay #SoTChallenge
@OrdonianWarrior @ma_sonch Applying it to inanimate objects seems good! Unfortunately, nothing's happening...
@realhighway @ma_sonch Definitely seems to fit the riddle, but it doesn't seem to be having any effect... Good try!
@Mad_Lantern We can see the logic! Doesn't seem to have any effect though... Nothing on Shipwreck seems to be.
@Fabian63761849 @ma_sonch A lovely shot, but doesn't seem to have any effect. Maybe the wrong island?
@ma_sonch Flameheart seems to have taken a shine to you! Afraid the writer doesn't appear to be foretelling you standing there, though.
@cptpeach @ma_sonch You certainly take lovely shots! Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be having any effect... Maybe the answer isn't on Shipwreck Bay.
@Fabian63761849 @ma_sonch Always an impressive sight, but doesn't seem to be having any effect...
@JobiwanUk @FelmemeSR @ma_sonch We like this thinking a lot but this particular group doesn't seem to be having any effect...
@FelmemeSR @ma_sonch Very interesting interpretation! The map doesn't seem to be reacting though...
@gaysquibz @ma_sonch A beautiful piece of art, but doesn't seem to be what we're looking for...
@Squiggs76784457 @ma_sonch We appreciate you nipping out to visit the dog over at K9, but it doesn't seem to have had any effect, we're afraid.