For any potential pirates pondering setting sail for the first time over the spooky season, all purchases of Sea of Thieves between now and November 3rd 2020 will include the Spooky Bonus Pack! OooOOOOooooo!
In case you're the sort of pirate that's not fond of a fright, you can check on every little tweak contained in the Fate of the Damned update with our full release notes:
Fate of the Damned Challenges offer ample opportunities for skelly smashing and gold gathering! Keep up with your progress and check time-specific activities with the new in-game Events tab, or by clicking here:
@Oh_Hi_Riley Thanks for sailing our seas, pirate!
The Fate of the Damned update has arrived...
â Fate of the Damned Voyages ð Weekly Challenges ðŧ Soulflame Gear ð Spooky Taverns ð In-game Events Menu ðĶī Skeleton Pets and fresh Emporium stock ðīââ ïļ And more!
Explore the eerie adventures that await:
The Sea of Thieves servers are now offline so that we can apply a sufficient level of spook for the Fate of the Damned update! Use this time to carve a pumpkin or learn a scary story to tell your crew - we'll let you know when you can set sail again.
Pirates! The Sea of Thieves servers will be taken offline in one hour at approximately 10am GMT. It's time to conclude your Voyage and grab your gold before you're caught short.
Attention pirates! The Sea of Thieves servers will be offline from approximately 10am GMT tomorrow, Wednesday 28th, so we can position the pumpkins for the Fate of the Damned update. Please plan your Voyages accordingly!
@Xbox We're not sure this is helping. Off to grab a grog.
Sea of Thieves Weekly Stream - BeardedGuysGaming
@fatttnes @RareLtd @BeardedGGaming We do indeed, as long as you're active in chat.
For today's Weekly Stream, the @RareLtd crew will be joined by the great big bushy beards of @BeardedGGaming (for real this time)! Join them from 6pm GMT for two hours of strong sailing and bristle-based banter:
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@JacobMBarbour Sorry for the delay! We've poked the judging panel. We're hoping to have their selection by the end of the week - the quality was very high!
@Phenomenal1st Sorry for the delay - we've bothered our judging panel for a selection. The quality of entries was quite high, it's causing quite a bit of chin-scratching.
The distinctive mask worn by Captain Briggsy harks back to her life outside the Sea of Thieves, when she wore it to disguise her identity â and gender â from those she was plundering. #TriviaTuesday
Attention pirates! The Sea of Thieves servers will be offline from approximately 10am GMT tomorrow, Wednesday 28th, so we can position the pumpkins for the Fate of the Damned update. Please plan your Voyages accordingly!
@SeaOfThieves: Two days to go... ð
Two days to go... ð
Plenty of picaroons proved themselves to be Pirate Legend material this week, so join us in celebrating the new pirates deemed fit to fly the flag in the name of Athena's Fortune! Cheers to you all, and good luck on your future Voyages. ðŧ