Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves Dev Tracker

10 Aug


Originally posted by Natzore

It’s good that you genuinely recognize your shortcomings and are willing to do better, but OP is not a saint. He maliciously implied that your company doesn’t care about disabled gamers and asked the mob to spam your customer support with tickets.
I understand that calling him out for it has no purpose and would just be bad PR tho.

You can be safe in the knowledge that we arent prioritising this investigation due to that, instead a genuine eagerness to make Sea of Thieves a place where we can all enjoy it πŸ™Œ


Originally posted by Natzore

You bullied a company into giving priority to your problem, yay! What an accomplishment!

Hey - There's no bullying here, Sea of Thieves is a welcoming place for everyone and accessibility is sometimes easily overlooked due to the unique nature of each request.

Looking back at the initial conversations I can see that we should have done better at identifying this issue and supporting a player who had through no fault of their own become unable to play our game.

We are currently investigating this issue, however will prioritise it accordingly once we know more.


Hey u/pareod, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We've reopened your Support ticket and are digging into this specific issue with our accessibility team.

Sea of Thieves strives to be a welcoming place for everyone and improving accessibilty is no exception - we'll be back in touch when we learn more.

09 Aug

08 Aug

06 Aug


Originally posted by SpinkickFolly

I assumed this was intentional. It's totally killed attempting to parlay with other pirates with voice chat since everyone is always muted.

This is in no way intentional! We're working on a fix βš™οΈ


Originally posted by musical_entropy

Ok gotcha! Happy 35th anniversary btw :P



Originally posted by Posatiomen

Well, Im experiencing a bug where I did Every Single Challenge for the special 35th Anniversary Figurehead But Cannot seem to find It on my ship customization box.

Thanks for the reports, for new players completing the challenges this is now awarding as intended. If you completed the challenges before the fix was applied however your progress should resolve within 48 hours βœ…


Originally posted by musical_entropy

I'm getting tutorials for how to complete voyages, repair my ship, etc... I'm pirate legend ._.

These prompts were introduced in a recent content update to improve new player onboarding. Once you have completed them once they won't bother you again - consider them a friendly reminder


Originally posted by skippy_dinglechalk91

In game chat on PC and Xbox still doesn't work all the time. It usually started when you have your mic on before you start your session.

Thanks for the reports, this issue has now been resolved as part of our update βœ…

05 Aug


Thanks for the reports, this issue has now been resolved as part of our update βœ…


You captured a very rare 'Free Willy' moment on camera!