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Hello, when i launch the game, a black screen appear with fps in the left corner, and i can listen the music.
I did a repair but didnt worked. How can i fix it?

over 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link

First of all, we would suggest to try the steps found here but for issues like this we really need to be able to look at your system files to help see what may be causing it.

Another good thing to try is to close Uplay, go to your cache folder in your Uplay directory and rename your cache folder to something like "cachebackup". Then see if you still have an issue.

If you have done those steps, please could you submit them through a support ticket or contact us through live chat on the same link.

You can also private message us on Twitter or Facebook if you prefer.

You can find instructions on how to create the files and attach them to your ticket at the bottom of the first link.

You can post your ticket number here once you have done this and we can have a look through them, but you will also get a reply from someone by email.
over 4 years ago - Drennon - Direct link

Thank you for reporting this bug. I've let the dev team know about it.
about 4 years ago - Drennon - Direct link

This seems to be an issue with players who are using old Nvidia graphics cards (700 series). If you have access to a better card, please use that instead.

The development team have received information from a handful of players via support (support.secondextinctiongame.com) and are actively investigating this issue.
over 2 years ago - UbiMindflayer - Direct link

Welcome to the official forums, @CaptainPrana! I'm glad you're here, though I'm sorry you're having so much trouble playing the game! I'd like to recommend you run through the steps in our basic troubleshooting, as they help eliminate common conflicts with the game. Be sure to complete all of the steps and then reboot your PC afterwards.

Should the issue persist, I recommend you check to make sure Ubisoft Connect and the game are installed together on the same drive, as this can help prevent crashes and issues like the one you're facing. Ideally, both programs should be on the same drive that Windows is installed on.

If you continue to have trouble after all this, please update me here so I can take a deeper look. Thanks so much!

over 1 year ago - Dors - Direct link
Originally posted by hemaeriaba: I have been playing this game for 3 years ago, Now I don't know why after opening the game and then join any server, it takes a little longer to join, after joining the screen turns black, sometimes turns to background of the map or see standing players in black screen??!!

Edit: the problem disappears when I turn VPN on
My country is Egypt

Hi there! I'm glad it worked while you were using the VPN. Unfortunately, this is in large part to how Egypt regulates its ISPs. It is something we're trying to keep up with. If you're able to send us any details you have via a helpdesk ticket[innersloth.zendesk.com], that would be awesome!