about 4 years
ago -
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Unlock some new cosmetics for your Mayan Gods while the Mayan Chest is half off!
Which Mayan God is your favorite? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EnrlZK6WMAMnpOr.jpg
PTS for the #TitanoftheCosmos Update is LIVE! Test out Atlas, enjoy the new skins, and see the 8.12 SWC Conquest map now in SMITE PTS, and don't forget to let us know what you think! ⚡https://t.co/TMEUoE5L3X ⚡https://t.co/6DsCXlkjyj https://t.co/TIVHJKq2V0
Thanks for all your reports regarding login issues for SMITE on the Epic Games Store! The team is investigating now.
This should now be resolved and Epic Game Store logins should be back to normal! https://t.co/DlOdbsYxpE