We've got word that Shredder is mobilizing the Foot Clan on the Battleground, so Master Splinter is joining the fight too! These rivals will be available in the all new Radical Chest! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkI_h1ZXsAEwIZ3.jpg
Today's your last chance to get Stealthed Slayer Loki for free!
All you need to do is get 2 FWOTD today, and you'll instantly unlock this skin - so log in now! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkJa5D1WkAwf7dq.jpg
Adventure comes in all shapes and sizes, it even comes in bundles!
You can get the Adventure Bundles in SMITE, 25% off for the next week!
Now is the perfect time to choose the style that best fits your adventure! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBgQ04NWQBMPcKB.jpg
We are doing a collab with the metal band Hath for a special October SMITE Night!
From Oct. 29 - 31, dive into the Corrupted Arena and use a huge variety of Halloween skins for FREE!
Make sure you log in, choose a scary skin, and earn the Hath music pack this Halloween! 🎃 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fe5I-OsWQAMe-uP.png
Feel the music and the beat with the new @Monstercat Bundle! This incredible new bundle features three smash-hot cosmetics:
🦀 Crab Rave Animated Avatar
🦀 Crab Rave Loading Screen
🦀 Craaaabs! Fountain Skin
You can get them all now, with Prime Gaming 🟣 https://fal.cn/3sGq4http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fe5JHqxXEAIGJ-t.jpg
Plague Purger Ra wants to keep this Reaping clear of any insidious illnesses, while Cyberwolf Skadi is looking to embrace a new form of Hunting http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fe5LuQ9XgAEPL_g.jpg
"I don't have time for your misplaced blame, girl. I didn't kill your boss. If you want revenge, take it up with 'Little Red'."
@OfficialRWBY's Cinder Fall Morgan Le Fay lands on the Battleground in the 9.10 Update with @JessicaNigri joining us behind the mic! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fe5N3RlXoAsOXQM.jpg
Primordial Paragon Guan Yu and Spy Master Kali are heading to the battleground to show off some inspired new outfits with the Bonus Odyssey Update! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fe5O0NyXoAQG_yC.jpg
New God, new skin!
Maui is coming to the Battleground in style, with a plan to purify the waters.
You can get Detoxify Maui with the Hero of Hawaiʻi next Tuesday! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fe5XfsdXgAA6ekB.jpg