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Who's already earned 100 Gems this weekend? 🙋
Another 50 Gems is up for grabs right now - just get 3 FWOTD today!
The Season of Hope is bringing about a variety of changes, some Helpful some Hindering. Here is a preview of just one of the several changes coming up for our Norse Goddess of the Underworld. Make sure to tune in tomorrow at 3pm (est) for the Update Show!
So the new season is coming and I have to ask you all a very important question! What if we kissed in the middle of the arena... but it deals damage? 😳👉👈 Make sure you check out the Season of Hope Patch Notes for all those spicy deets TOMORROW at 3PM EST on SmiteGame 🫡
playing SMITE for 11 years working on SMITE for 7 years we have worked so hard and it has all led to this moment Anubis... can WALK WHILE USING PLAGUE OF LOCUSTS!!! watch him walk on the Update Show tomorrow at 3:00pm