Did they slow down his first ability once he transforms? I play him a lot...either I am lagging like crazy or it has been slowed significantly.
External link →Did they slow down his first ability once he transforms? I play him a lot...either I am lagging like crazy or it has been slowed significantly.
External link →There was a bug where his Berserk ability 01 would just not fire at all at rank 04. this has been fixed
ALSO - the Bersek ability 01 did have timing and tech issues to fix a longstanding bug
We received complaints about this ability for years that the visual FX did not match the damage. This occurred especially when rotating while firing, you would see the rift on the ground a good distance away from you, but still get hit by the damage and root.
We fixed the rotation issue, and we also adjusted some of his animation and particle FX to match the damage timing better.
The ability deals damage and CC's enemies as the exact same time it did before this update, but now the animation of him hitting the ground better matches the start of the rit FX, and that rift FX better matches the damage.
It seems like this is causing some CuChu mains to feel like something is off on that ability, but we think this should just take a little getting used to and it will be a better clarity experience for all players without affecting his balance state.
Wait...so this is how that ability is going to remain? It is basically in slow motion. Feels like I am inside an Olorun ult every time I use it.
yes. it is currently planned to stay this way.
Oh wow. Well y’all ruined his 1 and should take a look at how janky it is. I was playing and checking my internet because it is so far off compared to ALL of his other abilities.
It is slower now, making the ability harder to hit. there isn’t much to get use to.
the only thing that should be harder to hit is rotations after the rift has already appeared on the ground
the warmup time time has not changed speed at all
I have played this guy for the last 3-4 months, 4 or more games a night. The casting speed appears in slow motion. It doesn’t match this character at all. Maybe give it a shot yourself.
I am not pretending I have any recourse, just letting you know y’all dropped the ball on this big time.
i have reviewed it extensively and the animation much better matches the hit area and damage, with no speed change. im quite happy with the result.
we will keep an eye out for more comments from cu-chu mains but this feels like an easily learnable change that will be hard to notice after a few matches of adjustment.