over 4 years
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The Trickster God Update Show:
SMITE Community Fan Art Birthday Event:
Weekly Wisdom:
- Mark your calendars for Wednesday at 3pm ET on our Twitch channel[twitch.tv], because we’ll be showing you what changes are coming for the Trickster God!
SMITE Community Fan Art Birthday Event:
- The Community Fan Art Submission program is back!!!
- We are looking for 6 unique fan art submissions to be a part of our next Birthday event, and you’ll be rewarded with all kinds of goodies!
- Submissions open today, so check out the blog for all the rules and details on how to submit your creations!
- All Elemental Chests are still half off - but this sale ends on Monday night.
- The Voice Pack sale is also ending on Monday night, so make sure to stock up while they’re half off.
- The Draconic Chest will be 25% off starting Tuesday through Thursday night.
- This weekend, grab the Pirate’s Booty Chest and the Plushie Friends Chest for 25% off each, through Monday!
- In case you missed it, there are new masks in the {LINK REMOVED}merch store!
- Put on a Ymir or Bakasura face mask and bring the Battleground to life!
- For Fans By Fans is still doing a 1-for-1 donation for all masks purchased.
Weekly Wisdom:
- Ne Zha's 3 gives immunity frames, like leaping. You can use this to evade damage from abilities by sashing the opponent at the right time.
- Great example is sashing Poseidon right when he drops Kraken.
- Also if timed perfectly you can use it to negate Serqet ult entirely.
- DefinePride (Olympian[www.smitegame.com])