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I see a lot of complaint threads on this sub, and I think in general they all say the same thing:

We just want to play a good game of SMITE.

Here is my .02$ on what could reasonably done to fix it.

What hinders or ruins a good game?

  • Excessive toxicity
  • People AFK in fountain
  • People leaving
  • People Griefing (Yemoja riptide, Ymir Wall, Thor Wall)

How to fix excessive toxicity?

Since there is a mute function, I don't consider this one as much of a problem. Muting solves 99% of the issue. However, one thing that would improve upon the current mute system is this:

  • Add a report category for "Communication Abuse". Someone who regularly gets reported for this should be automatically muted for a number of games. Players can unmute them at their own risk.

How to fix people afk in fountain?

This one should have been fixed a long time ago. If someone is account level 30+, they are alive and connected to the game and they spend X amount of time in or near the fountain, they should be punished immediately following the game in which they did this.

  • Add code to watch for this, and suspend the player immediately following the game. This will discourage future instance of this behavior.

How to fix people leaving?

If a player has left the game for more than a few minutes, the game is no longer what was originally intended by matchmaking.

  • Let the other players leave the game after someone else has already abandoned it for more than 3 minutes. This works exceptionally well in dota 2. Often the game quickly equalizes and becomes a 4v4 or a 3v3 because even the players on the winning team also want to play a fair game and have no interest in playing out a 4v5.

How to fix Griefing?

This is pretty rare in SMITE but since the addition of Yemoja, it has become much more prevalent:

  • Add a report category for "Griefing". Someone who regularly gets reported for this should be investigated and action should be taken.

TLDR my .02$; Players that regularly get reported for poor communication should be auto muted. Players that AFK in fountain should be punished automatically and immediately. We shouldn't be held hostage in a game where someone has left and isn't coming back.

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about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Not trying to disagree with you in any way, and we certainly can do better in regards to these (and are actively working toward it)

But most of what you suggested already exists. I dont think more categories of report is going to help. we should be focusing on making sure people use the report button at all. We still get extremely toxic screenshots sent to us and when players are investigated they have very few reports.

see here: https://smite.gamepedia.com/SMITE_Version_6.11.5701.1

as for your 4 issues

  1. Report for harassment or Hate speech. we also elevate reports for this when we detect bad behavior within the 6.11 Automated Instance Reporting system. Also you can be instant chat gagged or shadow banned without reports for certain actions (also described in 6.11)

  2. Report for AFK. we also elevate reports for this when we detect bad behavior within the 6.11 Automated Instance Reporting system

  3. We now have safe early surrenders. If someone leaves, just hit f6. no need to DC, this functions pretty similarly to how you described (except its a team choice not individual)

  4. Report for Harassment. This one is harder to detect for sure, probably the hardest to detect, and probably more rare.

about 4 years ago - /u/HiRezAjax - Direct link

Originally posted by Se7enDwarves

I do hope you bring back the ability to write a summary for reports. It is certainly missed on PS4.

That is fixed for 8.2 and i believe noted in patch notes already?