The UI showing 0 gems as a reward for this quest is just a visual error, as players will receive the 50 gems for this quest automatically due to the issue mentioned above.
Gods & Goddesses!
We're aware of the reported issues with Grim Omens Ch. 2 quests.
One of the two quests in this chapter is immediately granting 50 gems upon owning something from Grim Omens Chapter 2, rather than requiring the player to complete the quest.(1/2)
@BluesUltra: SMITE "Witch of the Woods" Update Recap
ℹ️ Full Version:
📝 7.4 Update Notes:
The Sydney Shredder and He Bro He Bo skins have been temporarily disabled due to an issue with Atlas of the Yellow River.
Be sure to bookmark our Community Issues Trello board to keep track of this and other known issues!
You've got 9 Account Boosters up for grabs today while you #StayInWithSMITE! Get one after each FWOTD!
@MachineMagpie she is our queen!
The #WitchOfTheWoods Update is live on all platforms!! Try out the newest God on the Battleground: Baba Yaga!
See what all has come with this update:
Staying Above the Law today while you #StayInWithSMITE? Then treat yourself to some fun themed Chests today for half off!
The team made some balance adjustments to Baba Yaga ahead of her release tomorrow based on PTS feedback.
Head to the link below for details, and get ready for the #WitchoftheWoods!
The Jade Corruption Event is about to become an ancient legend! Make sure to grab everything you want from this event today, because it's going away with the Update tomorrow!
Who's ready for another packed week on the Battleground? Get ready for:
⚡The #WitchOfTheWoods Update!! ⚡#StayInWithSMITE rewards!
Plan out your week:
Get your art put on some merch and earn some awesome rewards + commission!
Have some ideas? Make sure to submit by April 27!
Wishing you all a relaxing and Zen day today, and giving you half off of the Zen Chest - today only!
Play some diverse SMITE games today, and earn some Account Boosters while you #StayInWithSMITE! Now through Wednesday, earn an Account Booster for each FWOTD, for a total of up to 9 boosters each day!!
@MagnetMagical and we love you! 💛
Get rewarded with a Gem Storm while you #StayInWithSMITE! Today only, earn 90 Gems after getting 3 FWOTD!
@SmitePro: It's time for the ultimate worlds rematch.
Last time the @KnightsGG boys faced @TeamRivalGG, they walked away as the Season…