over 4 years
ago -
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A week has passed since Space Haven was released into Early Access. It has been a nervous and stressful time for us, preparing for the release and hoping everything will work out smoothly.
We want to thank all of you for playing the game and sending us so much feedback, as well as reporting bugs for us to fix. And fixing is what we've been doing, and we have a patch out today once again!
Hopefully we did not introduce any new bad ones =) Just let us know and we will take care of it. We want to wish you a great weekend playing Space Haven, and we look forward to bringing you news of new content for the game.
If you want to read about our vision you can do so below:
Our method of developing is not really to design it out on paper and think this is it and let's move on. It's more in a way of filtering features to implement through long discussions between us, weighing the potential game play value they bring versus the implementation cost in man hours.
Then. After this is done we guesstimate some start values for the new features, and then we let it out for you to play. We gather your feedback and tweak/modify as needed. We value and want to incorporate the feedback you send us in our decisions. It's like a sandbox to us, and we let your feedback guide our way to a better game. =)
Community Highlights!
Ship created by mgthevenot
Ship created by Manuque
Ship created by Nak
Fleet created by ApexPrimaK
Margo and Luis share a moment. Screenshot taken by 弓矢八幡会
If you want a chance to get your own ship in the updates post them in our Discord server #screenshots-and-videos channel, or here on Steam! =)
Join Space Haven Discord: http://discord.gg/spacehaven
You can also post them here on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/app/979110/screenshots/
Full Patch Notes:
[version] 0.8.19
- Default keybindings for rotation swapped between Q and E. Q is now CCW and E is CW. These seemed to be mirrored from what they should have been.
- The game now pauses when an enemy ship enters the sector. (This is for you writing a review of falling asleep mid play and pirates getting you in the meantime =) )
- Fixed a bug with seeing enemy outlines when docking a shuttle to a derelict after loading a save.
- Fixed a bug with being able to place an In-floor Power Node overlapping other blueprints. (On top of each other)
- Fixed a problem with crew members not working when energy was below a treshold. (Crew members will be more effective now!)
- Fixed a problem with trades not starting.
- Fixed a bug with binding a ship to a group.
- Fixed a problem with a mining pod becoming stuck after relocating.
- Fixed a crash when loading a saved game.
Report bugs here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/979110/discussions/4/
Discuss Space Haven here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/979110/discussions/0/
Technical Support: https://steamcommunity.com/app/979110/discussions/1/
Join Discord and chat with others playing Space Haven: http://discord.gg/spacehaven
Space Haven subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceHaven/
Thanks for reading and see you again in the next update!