
Spellbreak Dev Tracker

28 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]

Hey Jesse,

I missed out on the first closed beta on PC, but I'm extremely interested in this game as my household has two PS4s and one PC and three people super interested in playing MOBAs together.

What's the targetted frame rate on PS4? Are PC players at 60+ fps going to dominate PS4 players locked at 30, or is PS4 targetting 60 fps? I'd feel a LOT better buying into the closet beta knowing that the PS4 and PC will at least hit that 60 fps minimum a game like this needs.

We're aiming for a steady 60FPS on the normal PS4. We're not quite there yet but we're close, and we'll be continuing to improve PS4 optimization throughout CB2. Performance improvement was a focus between CB1 and CB2 and we'll continue that through full release. :)