over 2 years
ago -
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Since it's update time again, its time to remind everyone that if you're experiencing crashing issues, the first step to try is disabling your mods:
In the Paradox Launcher, Click Playset, and click Add New Playset, enter the name "No Mods". Do not add any mods to this playset, and run the game.
If you're still experiencing crashing issues after this, in the Launcher, go to Game Settings and choose "Borderless Fullscreen" or "Windowed" video mode.
If you're trying to play a 3.4.5 save on 3.5.1, you can roll-back to the previous version:
Right Click Stellaris, Go to Properties, Betas Tab, and choose "3.4.5 Rollback" from the dropdown.
If none of these solve your problem, you can go to support.paradoxplaza.com and open a ticket, and Customer Support will be able to help you further!
In the Paradox Launcher, Click Playset, and click Add New Playset, enter the name "No Mods". Do not add any mods to this playset, and run the game.
If you're still experiencing crashing issues after this, in the Launcher, go to Game Settings and choose "Borderless Fullscreen" or "Windowed" video mode.
If you're trying to play a 3.4.5 save on 3.5.1, you can roll-back to the previous version:
Right Click Stellaris, Go to Properties, Betas Tab, and choose "3.4.5 Rollback" from the dropdown.
If none of these solve your problem, you can go to support.paradoxplaza.com and open a ticket, and Customer Support will be able to help you further!