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by Eladrin
Today's update includes some AI improvements and fixes to the new breadthwise job allocation.
Stellaris 3.99.4 'Phoenix' Open Beta Release Notes
Fixes and Improvements
- Significant improvements to the breadthwise job assignment distribution.
- AI now understands the use of Zones.
- (Known Inssue: Scripting weights are not yet balanced.)
- Fixed cloaking detection tooltip overwriting value breakdown with generic description
- Fixed demotions not working as they should
- Fixed factions not forming.
- Fixed the integration cost for subjects
- Fixed tooltips for Commercial Zone building mentioning clerks and soldiers
- Tier 1 Development focus tasks now award progress
- Decreased habitat district cost and upkeep
- Void Dweller prescripted systems now have larger deposits
- Habitat districts now have the same base number of jobs as regular districts
- Demense Zones now have the number of squire jobs increased by taking the Voidborne AP.
- Shattered Ring, Ringworlds and Arcologies should now be semi-functional.
- (Known Issue: The "rural" segments of Ringworlds do not yet have Agricultural or Generator zones to choose from.)
- Add toggle on the header of the automation side panel to enable/disable planet automation
- Move "decisions" in management tab and "resettle" in economy tab
- Small fixes for planet view
- Toggle icon in surface tab and add tooltips
- Revamped several tutorial entries
- Added a new Medical Center building that gives access to Medical Workers before Gene Clinics
- Rebalanced Medical Workers
- Rebalanced the Mutagenic Spas building
- Entertainers and Traders no longer benefit from Gene Clinics, Augmentation Centers or Ranger Lodges
- Added a has_any_industry_zone scripted trigger
- The Revolutionary Medi-Gel now provides +25% Job Efficiency for Medical Workers
How Do I Opt Into the Beta?
- Turn off your mods. They will almost certainly cause you to crash.
- Go to your Steam library, right click on Stellaris -> Properties -> Betas -> select "stellaris_test - 3.99.4 Open Beta" branch in the Beta Participation dropdown.
All previous 3.99.* Open Beta branches will also remain available. If you are having issues accessing the latest version of the 3.99.* Open Beta, please see this forum post for troubleshooting[forum.paradoxplaza.com].
For more information on the Open Beta, as well as the intentions and goals of releasing such an early, unpolished version, please see this dev diary[forum.paradoxplaza.com].
We also have a new feedback survey this week, which looks at first impressions of Precursor selection, Databank, Species Modification, and Game Pacing Adjustments.
This week's Open Beta feedback survey is available here![forms.gle]