almost 6 years ago - Paradox Interactive - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s it's time to return to space where
5s nothing is the same as before
9s paradox Interactive's grand strategy
11s game stellaris allows you to create your
14s own alien race to explore the great
16s unknown discover ancient wonders and
19s make allies or enemies through diplomacy
22s and war
25s in the second season of youtuber wars
28s we've gathered some familiar faces along
31s with some new ones
32s they'll be entering stellaris 2.0 a
35s whole new challenging playground will
38s they band together or conquer the galaxy
40s for total supremacy
46s in season one we gathered six complete
49s beginners to get hands-on experience
51s with stellaris empires were built and
53s alliances were formed but ultimately
55s they all fell during the endgame crisis
59s in this new season three players from
62s season one will get a chance to exact
64s revenge with the hope to rule the galaxy
66s however what they don't know these are
69s the three new players and no beginners
71s gentlemen welcome to the cave we're
76s gonna lock you in here to play some
78s Solaris 2.0 now this time we've got all
81s the bells and whistles attached to it
83s and it's a completely new game
85s everything's changed everything is
87s different and we're playing with every
89s single expansion including apocalypse so
94s I have in my pocket six cards now each
98s of you gets one of these and that's
99s gonna be how you're going to be playing
101s your game every single card has a ethic
105s on it that can be materialist can be
107s spiritualists may be authoritarian but
110s there's also one Gestalt consciousness
113s in there which is definitely gonna
116s spruce things up a little bit now
119s enjoy
123s so keep them to yourself we're gonna
126s send you to your stations and set you up
129s with your species may the best person
133s win
133s Oh penguin for penguin good luck
138s gentlemen
140s the players will begin by creating their
142s empires and characters all depending on
145s their given ethics card Adam got the
148s ethics of Gestalt consciousness this
151s ethic allows for a unique play style
153s where all individuals are an extension
155s of one singular be more collective so
158s let's do this this is going to be a very
160s interesting game from my perspective
162s because I'm Gestalt consciousness so
165s that can lead to very different empires
167s based on what I build and we are going
171s to be totally not robots but for most of
174s all we are going to be driven
175s assimilators to peacefully coexist with
178s follow organics and convince them to
180s join us because why wouldn't they let's
183s get this party started
184s a glorious technobabble Empire filled
187s with our beautiful space lobsters Josh
192s will be playing as a fanatic egalitarian
194s regimes for equality between all members
196s of society Jeremy on the other hand has
200s the ethics of a fanatic authoritarian
202s which means his empire believes in
204s social hierarchy and limited political
206s freedoms like slavery
209s okay so from for the main species which
212s is going to be the master of the slaves
214s they are weak and decadent so they'll
216s need slaves poop to be happy and they
219s are weak because I don't need them to
221s fight and I don't need them to produce
224s minerals but there will be intelligent
226s because there will be the one that are
227s producing the research and they will
229s learn fast
230s their abilities as leaders okay so we're
235s back with the space geckos the Imperium
238s has survived we are a fanatic Zeno file
241s so we do by nature like and have good
245s opinions of other species other
247s creatures out there so we'll try and
250s make friends with them I mean ultimately
251s if we have to make friends with them by
255s conquering them all and bringing them
257s under the great gecko Empire I'm all for
259s that
260s Dylan is secretly hiding his card
263s fanatic materialist they disregard
265s superstition and strongly believe in
267s science and technology can contrast Alex
270s got fanatic spiritualist he believes the
273s consciousness and higher planes of
275s existence surpass materiality in the
277s form of the great penguin okay so it's
280s gonna be the return of the space
282s penguins which were clearly the most
284s superior race of season 1 what I'm going
288s for here with the fanatic spiritualist
291s we have one true
293s penguin that everyone has to follow if
296s they don't then I'm probably gonna have
297s some problems with the other players
300s all six players are now done creating
302s their empires and we have Barbara's ear
306s with totally not robots
309s Lionheart x10 the space gecko Imperium
312s Jay's gaming with the galactic Dominion
316s conflict nerd with the squid folk
318s collective gaming FTL with the
321s technobabble Empire and Alex the Rambler
325s with the pain Creek divine order the
328s space exploration is at the very core of
330s stellaris the players will start
332s surveying the closest star systems using
335s their science ships to identify planets
337s or celestial bodies rich with resources
341s so first thing we're gonna do is we are
344s going to explore most of the systems we
346s know very true planet which we'll be
349s able to colonize close off we go to
352s explore I'll forego to build the squid
355s folk moving on in the B galaxy so we've
359s just started the game is up and running
361s and the players are obviously out there
363s and we're playing on a spiral galaxy
365s with four arms so that makes things run
369s a little bit smoother it allows our
370s players to have a lot of tactical and
372s also strategic opportunities now
375s definitely you like to check out this
376s chokepoints is up I don't expect anyone
379s to be close to us but it's always a
381s possibility you never really know where
384s are you
386s I as a big echo around this vast empty
390s looking galaxy but somewhere out there
392s is another Empire to conquer
398s before a player can lay claim to a
400s resource-rich star system the system
402s will need to be within their borders to
404s be able to exploit it the quickest way
406s to do this is to use a construction ship
408s and build an outpost to claim the star
410s system once you have the system within
413s your empire borders you can extract
415s resources by building mining or research
417s stations so we do have a construction
420s ships if I just zoom out I'm just gonna
423s do the old right-click and build mining
425s stations I think I have a science ship
428s between the go and surveillance system
432s surveyed the system and surveyed the
435s system anymore I'm gonna try and explain
437s as quick as I can so I'm a bit more
440s familiar with stellaris than I was when
443s we first participated in an event like
447s this so I'd say I'm confident well more
451s comforted that I was because I kind of
452s know what I'm doing
454s so don't have a couple of opponents from
456s season 1 that are in which I'm gonna
459s have to do an area but they might know
460s my strategy I can't see what everyone
465s else is doing the galaxy can be a harsh
468s and unforgiving place where warfare is
471s inevitable whatever your race or
474s apart from each other the players will
476s need to be wary of FAI threats such as
478s space pirates and Marauders okay oh
481s that's a 1k fleet I don't want to know
484s no no no please go get get out of there
488s that's not good oh dear
494s alpha aliens that's fine aggressors
500s spotted oh yeah fire fleet sending my
507s guys quickly get that Cruiser into
510s battle can we take these guys out or
514s they can just destroy my Space Station
516s Space Station's actually handle them
518s nicely system survey complete
524s oh there we go
532s goodbye pirates and their dark ownership
539s let's go
540s Plus pre-engineering plus six we are
544s Dulce physics I like that learning rate
546s yes yes I'm aware I will Rosen credits
548s let's move fast okay then
552s oh we actually made contact with
556s techno-bubble empire all right
560s interesting
562s [Music]
570s oh he's got staff a symbol
576s hello new friends I just I just happen I
580s just spying on me
581s oh I'm not spying sorry still I close my
583s eyes I'll Verte my eyes how you doing I
586s just met you I just want to say should
589s we be friends or foes yeah we should be
591s friends
591s I always think they'll be friendly with
593s fellow organics and that shiny that
605s shiny armor of yours that oh boy your
609s armor is it okay but inside you just got
612s a squishy lovely ha are you softy all
615s right well I think we can live coexist
619s peacefully right okay okay well yeah
623s first person I've met see you later okay
631s they're a bit close for comfort
633s and they do have two planets already and
638s way more star systems than me I feel
640s little inferior we can change that quick
643s enough that's the bills in oh there's a
648s planet I could colonize over there so
650s let's build in this direction I am smart
653s SMRT we need to work on a lot of things
657s I can tell you as much we do have a
660s non-aggression pact with field for now
662s so we won't be going to war just yet but
664s we need this chakra fight in this planet
666s that's the number one priority right now
668s top priority
671s giant survey is done there it is we got
675s it and we will be upgrading it like fast
679s definitely we need defenses here actual
683s proper defenses because we will end up
686s at war so there or later I don't know
688s what exact circumstances he is going to
689s be in but there will be wars obviously
692s the other players are busy exploring and
694s fighting against threats Lionheart x10
697s seems to have border troubles with an AI
699s Marauder Empire
700s oh there's oh they weren't upon to me
705s offer tribute offer food I do have quite
709s a lot of food I'll give them some food
712s is tribute I suppose awards we'll have
717s to look elsewhere for entertainment then
718s your people are safe alone oh that's
719s good
719s we kept Norway for now oh let's not lose
724s everything come on it better not be
727s running away they're running away
730s oh no they're turning they're turning
732s and the running kind apparently we're
737s fighting all right I think we can break
741s them apart
743s Oh God
747s I have a fleet named after killing me oh
751s they are literally going
753s system-to-system kind of murder me oh
756s great now they want a tribute for
758s killing me
759s so they won 500 energy they come in they
763s destroy two of my systems and then take
764s money from me who's the real
767s materialists here okay
769s have the money don't try and kill me
771s again
772s [Music]
775s I actually did not expect to have
778s enabled disclose to be AIA so there will
781s be no one anywhere close that everyone
783s will be evenly distributed but we
785s started very close to each other I'm
787s really curious to see what kind of
789s scenarios that wouldn't be - let's just
791s say it should be interesting because
795s he's a little bit like cornered he can
798s expand like to the west but that's the
800s only way he can go really he can't go
802s south because I'm here he can't go north
804s because there's nothing over there he
807s only has one way he can expand - unless
809s he goes to war with me but I will try to
812s be prepared for that possibility well
815s Martha is totally not robots and I am
820s totally not going to betray him don't
827s trust anyone
828s a while later Josh explores and suddenly
834s finds something that can really change
836s the game technology disco ruined sentry
841s away and that is the shattered remains
843s what was an extremely powerful century
846s array with this I can scan the galaxy
849s plus it looks pretty epic so yes please
855s take the bubble Empire as at least one
858s mega structure in this system that's
859s interesting oh right here is that it
863s growing Center Arabia does the one okay
866s that's worth keeping an eye on so Josh
869s just found one of the biggest secrets in
871s the game and that is a ruined mega
873s structure he's found a sentry array if
875s he rebuilds it they'll be able to see
877s the entire map and everything that's
880s going off it's gonna take some time but
882s it will be a huge asset pours Empire and
887s I really want to see if I can repair it
889s I'm pretty sure that's an option and
891s then I will be able to see everything
893s I know that lobsters have those eyes
896s that are like all over the place so
898s maybe that's it oh I think oh all over
902s the place is the technical term right a
903s looming war between the technobabble
906s Empire and totally not robots is getting
908s closer and a speck has even more tricks
911s up his sleeve to make it a bit more
913s interesting I'm about to give him a
915s little bit of extra sauce with their
918s little conflict and let's put it this
921s way they are not gonna be ready for this
926s sort of things I wish him all the luck
927s because they're gonna need it
929s what's going on here something is
932s happening interesting he was not there
935s before now obviously this guy is super
937s strong I don't like that it's on the
941s move that kind of sucks okay
945s dick also here
948s [Music]
955s [Music]