6 days
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by Eladrin
We have another update to the Open Beta today, and are planning for another later on this week.
Stellaris 3.99.2 'Phoenix' Open Beta Release Notes
Fixes and Improvements
- Added an Industrial Zone for mixed alloys and consumer goods
- The focus task "Embrace a Faction" is changed to "Promote a Faction"
- Added two focus tasks for MegaCorps to establish branch offices
- Updated costs of special projects that have costs that scale with the number of pops
- Changed every_owned_pop to every_owned_pop_group, so now looping through groups
- Made ethic changes work on pop groups instead of pops
- Updated robot pop checks to pop groups
- Zones now have icons associated with their type.
- Zones now have a larger active area to click on that is clearly visible.
- Planet UI now has basic Zone tooltips
- Replaced a bunch of placeholder icons with less placeholder ones.
- Revamped Rise of the manifesti event chain
- Created new message type for new terraforming candidate events and turned them into a notification
- Lithoid resource traits no longer block cybernetic leviathan traits
- Improved the Modifiers section of the colonization UI.
- Replaced jobs with strata in resettlement view
- Workforce modifier icons added
- Moved resource upkeep and production for pops from species archetype and traits to the resource tables for archetypes and traits, instead of them being part of the pop categories
How Do I Opt Into the Beta?
- Turn off your mods. They will almost certainly cause you to crash.
- Go to your Steam library, right click on Stellaris -> Properties -> Betas -> select "stellaris_test - 3.99.2 Open Beta" branch in the Beta Participation dropdown.
The 3.99.0 and 3.99.1 Open Beta branches will also remain available. If you are having issues accessing the latest version of the 3.99.* Open Beta, please see this forum post for troubleshooting[forum.paradoxplaza.com].
For more information on the Open Beta, as well as the intentions and goals of releasing such an early, unpolished version, please see this dev diary[forum.paradoxplaza.com].
We also have a new feedback survey this week, which looks at first impressions of the planet UI and rework. We know it's not in a finished or releasable state, but want your feedback regardless.
This week's Open Beta feedback survey is available here![forms.gle]