about 2 years ago - Paradox Interactive - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s [Music]
13s our mothers told stories of the day he
15s first descended from the sky
23s he came with promises
25s and a vision
28s one where we would stand beside him
34s and if we only looked to him
36s he would unite us with the distant stars
43s but
45s his vision did not inspire us for long
50s he will soon know that loyalty in this
52s galaxy is fleeting
59s [Music]
60s there are
62s others
64s who see our values
74s as you suspected
76s the system has betrayed our allegiance
79s awaiting
85s orders send in the messengers
100s let these titans throw themselves
102s against one another
104s we have survived this long not by
106s strength
107s but by seizing opportunity
109s when it so eagerly presents itself
121s [Music]
150s you