Dear Stellaris Fans,
The team has produced a bugfix and balance patch following our 3.13 + Cosmic Storms release September 10th.
3.13.1 is now available for download. Please find the patch notes below, identical to what was posted earlier by Eladrin.
3.13.1 Patch Notes
- Added free pop to first blocker for planetscapers
- Decreased Storm Creation costs and buffed Astrometeorology job
- Stormriders and Subterranean get less devastation from storms
- Scientist governors now also reduce devastation from storms
- The Nexus Storm of 2211 will no longer happen. (Nexus Storms have been removed from the Early Game storm pool.)
- A Fallen Empire cannot ask for a scientist that is exploring an Astral Rift
- Added traits to hired marauder leaders
- Added victory score to the two new precursor relics
- All starting council positions are also filled without Galactic Paragons
- Fixed a spelling error in the event Stormbound Sighted
- Fixed empire designs with different randomized names sometimes preventing each other from spawning in galaxy generation.
- Fixed machine name lists using ruler names for all non-envoy leaders.
- Fixed randomly generated rulers not using regnal names when they should.
- Fixed the concept tooltip for Storm Riders in the Storm Chasers origin tooltip
- Fixed the handling of scientist heirs in the Stormfall event Cosmic Shapes
- Fixes to Unique planets from Cosmic Storms:
- Unique planets from Cosmic Storms can no longer spawn in the starting cluster of an empire
- Reduced the size of the unique planets from Cosmic Storms
- Fixing Rick the Cube tooltip in the additional content being misleading
- Payload Padding technology now properly apply its effects
- Removed Double Jobs for Gestalts on Ecumenopolis
- Solar storm orbital resource modifiers now applying correctly
- The Crimson Crawlers: Cooked Consumption planet modifier now has a yellow border
- The Storm Touched trait is made available for individual machines
- The Strip Mine Planet decision is only allowed once per planet
- adAkkaria chain actually ends now when its over
- Added a job weight to Storm Dancers so that pops actually want to work the job
- Allow proper switching between corporate and non corporate planetscapers civic
- Fixed descriptions for the special projects Stabilize the Collision and Harmonize the Collision
- Fixed the secrets of the new precursors
- Fixing resetlement cost modifiers not being capped by minimum economic modifier mult define
- Made militarist empires with imperialist factions less likely to become vassals
- Made the Irradiated Wasteland planet modifier produce +10% physics research
- Planetscapers on Ocean Paradise will now get their blockers as promised
- Removed the mention of sector automation from the planet designation tooltip
- Saturated Filters can now be removed by the one who conquered the planet
- Tempest Invocator storm placement will now be canceled if you lose the selected Scientist.
- The Tempest Invocator's range is now centered on the selected Scientist's location.
- Voidforged may not access Geo-Engineering Inc anymore
- Fix to Initiate Storm replacing Sustain Storm if you have the Galactic Weather Control Ascension Perk
- Several Tempest Invocator fixes
- Changed cosmic storm spawn cooldown scale to prevent CTD
- Fixed CTD in fleet manager when reinforcing fleets with ships without fleet size
- Fixed CTD when in-game music player has no permission to write to playlist file
- Added regnal_second_names_female and regnal_second_names_male to namelists.
- Added use_regnal_name to effects that create leaders.
- Fixed randomly generated empires in static galaxies having missing data if the player empire is randomly generated.
- Removed ruler_names from namelists and added regnal_full_names. When generating regnal names, non-regnal full names will no longer be used if a regnal name is available, but if no regnal name is available, normal names will be used.
There is always a next patch in the works, so please keep the bug reports and feedback coming.
Until then!