24 days
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We've pushed out a small balance patch this morning,
The recent round of economic balance changes have given Celestial a significantly stronger economy than intended. As such, we’ll be bringing down some of the stats of Collection Arrays to match that of Vanguard Command Posts and Infernal Shrines.
Balance Changes
The recent round of economic balance changes have given Celestial a significantly stronger economy than intended. As such, we’ll be bringing down some of the stats of Collection Arrays to match that of Vanguard Command Posts and Infernal Shrines.
Balance Changes
- Collection Array cost increased from 450/0 to 550/0.
- Collection Array cost when morphing from a Morph Core increased from 350/0 to 450/0.
- Collection Array build time increased from 50 seconds to 90 seconds.
- Collection Array build time when morphing from a Morph Core increased from 20 seconds to 60 seconds.
- Prism build time increased from 45 seconds to 55 seconds.
- Morph Cores are no longer selectable through the "all army hotkey". They are now once again considered workers.
- Fixed an issue where the Arcship could no longer reliably rally Morph Cores.
- Fixed a bug where Sabers could hit air units with its weapon.