over 3 years
ago -
Portable Grump
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Game version: 1007874
Gameplay Improvements
Platform-specific fixes
Gameplay Improvements
- The lander rocket now loads items in increments of 1 instead of 5.
- Moved the cave-in clearing tech earlier in the tech tree, now appearing between position 5 and 8, instead of as the 13th tech.
- Change the order in the cargo screens, grouping buildings of the same type together.
- Rebalance rewards for recurring Recon Center discovery events.
- Fixed colonists and drones getting stuck in food stockpiles. Attention: the fix requires the rebuilding of depots and food production buildings that display broken behaviour!
- Show the Lander Rocket immediately amongst the pinned items on Mars when it does its last second launch as an Asteroid goes out of range.
- Lander Rocket now properly loads all drones when launching at the last second as an asteroid goes out of range.
- Lander rocket now only starts loading drones, rovers, crew and prefabs if everything is available.
- The “died in orbit” trigger will activate only if the crew actually dies.
- Removed colonists that died in orbit.
- Cave-ins can be reached more easily by drones to clear.
- Fixed issue where elevator cargo could get lost if both sides of the elevator requested the same resource.
- Fixed issue where elevator cargo could not be updated after the initial request.
- Fixed vehicles cannot be transferred through the elevator using right-click.
- Ancient Artifact spawns the correct amount of drones.
- Auto explore of the RC Explorer no longer reveals hidden anomalies.
- Added missing icons for pinned surface passage and underground passage.
- Correctly updated pin dialog when transporting RCRover.
- Fixed incorrect game over condition when colonists died on Asteroids while there were still alive colonists on Mars or the Underground.
- Fixed issue where cables and pipes were created on the wrong map.
- Workshifts now properly update while on another map.
- Prevented refabbing landing and trade pads while they're in use.
- DLC buildings will be accessible on a new game after loading an old save.
- Fixed missing Passenger Rocket UI in the resupply menu on old retail save.
- Cheat panel improvements (available in creative mode only on Windows, Mac, Linux).
Platform-specific fixes
- Fixed startup crash on certain Windows 7 installs.
- Removed the assert window on Linux.
- Disconnecting controller issue.
- Dome births cannot be controlled.
- The game crashes when a lander rocket is departing with drones in cargo while the asteroid moves out of range.
- Youths, adults, and seniors occupy child-only buildings.
- Same anomaly events are found multiple times on the surface, breaking the game balance.
- There is no warning about an unloaded cargo when launching a rocket back to Earth.
- Crash related to Inner Light Mystery on old retail saves.