about 5 years ago - CG_Erik - Direct link
Hi folks, the team got together early this morning and is continuing to discuss our plans to compensate players for last week's Grand Arena Championship Exhibition that we had to cut short, as well as the plan to get the next Exhibition running.

We intend to communicate our plans around both the planned compensation and the schedule moving forward, and I'll use this thread to communicate updates across the day as they become available.

Here are a few things we already have decided upon:

In resetting the Exhibition, we'll be resetting both the accumulated Championship and Lifetime Score. We'll likely also reset it again at the end of the Exhibition Season before we move into prime time.

You will, however, keep your accumulated GAC currency from the last event.

It seems like there was a lot of confusion around the minimal credits that were paid out by the cancelled Exhibition. We set the Grand Arena Round End, Grand Arena Event End and Grand Arena Championship End rewards each to 1 credit both to reduce risk as well as to simplify the compensation we'd have to do in the future. These credits were not the compensation for the event.

The team is working through what that compensation will be, and I'll update both on the timing of when we'll send the compensation out and what the compensation will be later today.

Lastly, we're looking into how to compensate players who completed the Fleet Arena Feat. This will happen separately from the compensation for the cancelled Exhibition and at some point further in the future. We'll update you on our plans around this as soon as we're able.