

17 Mar


Originally posted by A-S-C-E-N-S-I-O-N

Just in case any devs come here to read the room:

Please don’t add Porkins. He is a terrible meme, he was a terrible pilot, and the rebel fleet is already comparably bloated while still missing the crown jewel of the Death Star’s destruction.

If you do add Porkins, make him explode at the start of the battle and expose all other allies. If Biggs Darklighter is a present ally, he gets two stacks of expose for the duration of the battle or until he is defeated.

I’ll give that an upvote to ensure TopHat sees this.

26 Feb

28 Jan

Over the course of the last year we’ve talked at different points about the mission we’ve been on, which is to deliver content more frequently and flexibly - starting with Galactic Challenges. Today we’re excited to announce the next step in this journey.

Conquest is a new game mode coming to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes where players will face a series of escalating battles on a sector map that allows them to choose which encounters and bonuses they will meet. Each map will provide a variety of match ups that will challenge players to pick the squad that is best suited to take on the enemy and use their whole roster in new ways.

Conquest will appear alongside Galactic War on a table that we are now calling the Galactic Battles table. Note: We’re renaming “Galactic War” to simply “War” to remove the repetition of “Galactic”. Galactic Challenges may also move to this table at a future point.

The Conquest event will run roughly once per month, with the event ... Read more

09 Sep


Originally posted by LightSideoftheForce

Those are NOT 7-dot mods, they are higher tier 6-dot. Our mods are 6-E now, they confirmed in the Q&A that 6-D to 6-A mods will come.

Eventually, but not now.


This footage was captured out of a development build. We do not have plans to release new mods at this time.

02 Aug


Originally posted by ThrawnRocks1991

It was great. Thanks for doing it. My only hope is that you actually keep it up. We’ve experienced plenty of temporary boosts to communication, but nothing that has been consistent or lasting. In other words, it’s often just been reacting with damage control versus being proactive. So I think this is a great step in the right direction, but I just hope it continues.

That’s fair. It’s on us to follow through and earn trust.

01 Aug

    CG_Erik on Forums - Thread - Direct


"I don't understand how the thing I haven't seen yet is going to work so it must be a horrible idea"

"We already knew about everything that's coming in the next couple of months so CG is doing a terrible job of communicating"

"CG clearly stated in recent months that they are actively shifting the focus of the game and launched a new flagship event structure to demonstrate it which is creating all sorts of new data and mechanics that need to be analyzed and refined but why aren't we getting a completely brand new and unexpected game mode rolled out immediately too?"

"This road ahead says absolutely nothing surprising or interesting about what's coming. Also, why would they introduce unique character items that will enhance and change toon mechanics in brand new ways when that's not what we had predicted was coming next?"

Read more

Originally posted by gamue

The same soon as in releasing mystic raids or reworking the raid loot ;)

Q&A sessions have always been a pile of meaningless phrases.. I don't expect any useful information

Did you have a chance to check out today's Q&A? We set out to be more open than normal. There are still some vague answers, but I'm curious if you think this was a step in the right direction or not.

30 Jul


I really appreciate you taking the time to write about your experience! These kinds of testimonials are invaluable to the team. I’ll share the suggestions with the team.

26 Jul


The studio has had a Discord server where we've communicated with the Game Changers over time. As we mentioned when we stepped away from the program, we continue to offer this chat as a line of communication with the studio - primarily to gather feedback. I'm not going to comment any further on what precipitated this, but after a discussion with Warrior this morning where we discussed feedback guidelines, he was reinstated to the server.

22 Jul

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Over the past 5+ years of the game’s development and live service, there have been a number of changes in the Galaxy of Heroes team. Typically, we don’t make public announcements when someone leaves or joins the team. However, given her presence in the community, we felt it important to let you know that CG_Carrie is leaving Electronic Arts.

We appreciate Carrie’s many contributions to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, to Capital Games, and to EA. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors.

Moving forward, the team has ambitious plans for the future and remains committed to delivering an ever-evolving, high-quality Star Wars game experience to fans around the world. As the next step in communicating that plan, CG_TopHat will be posting the Road Ahead announcement next week.

Thanks again for your continued support and participation in this amazing community!


16 Jul

09 Jul


This wasn’t a hack or attack. It was an internal support error and has been dealt with. Please don’t harass the affected players.

If you suspect cheating, please report it to CG_Leviathan or CG_LucifersDaddy on the forums.


Hey all, please don’t attack these players (better yet, please don’t ever attack any players). This was an internal support issue which has been resolved, and not a hack or cheat.

If you suspect cheating, report it to CG_Leviathan or CG_LucifersDaddy on the forums.

Please be kind to each other.

28 Jun


Can confirm /u/Roneythehutt wasn't cheating. We looked into this and found a weird edge case where they were granted Round rewards twice. We're looking at a fix for next week that should prevent this from happening, but will keep an eye on cases like this and manually adjust in the meantime.

24 Jun

Hi folks, the team got together early this morning and is continuing to discuss our plans to compensate players for last week's Grand Arena Championship Exhibition that we had to cut short, as well as the plan to get the next Exhibition running.

We intend to communicate our plans around both the planned compensation and the schedule moving forward, and I'll use this thread to communicate updates across the day as they become available.

Here are a few things we already have decided upon:

In resetting the Exhibition, we'll be resetting both the accumulated Championship and Lifetime Score. We'll likely also reset it again at the end of the Exhibition Season before we move into prime time.

You will, however, keep your accumulated GAC currency from the last event.

It seems like there was a lot of confusion around the minimal credits that ... Read more


22 Jun

x-posting from General

Hi all,

We’re aware of the issue where the Grand Arena appears to have progressed to the Review phase instead of the Attack phase and are investigating. Will update when we know more!
