Original Post — Direct link
Hi folks,

Due to technical issues with the Republic Offensive Territory Battle (posted about last night), we will be stopping both Republic Offensive (Geonosis Light) and Rebel Assault (Hoth Light) later today. We will be sending all eligible players rewards as a make good for these issues (more info on that later today). We will not be restarting either of these events immediately to give us time to address the current territory configuration issue and review for any additional bugs. We will not be changing or re-tuning the difficulty for Republic Offensive. We will be updating the current event schedule due to this change and will update our forum post with the new dates of all events.

We apologize for the inconvenience this technical issue has caused. Thank you for your patience.
over 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link
Hi folks,

Due to technical issues with the Republic Offensive Territory Battle (posted about last night), we will be stopping both Republic Offensive (Geonosis Light) and Rebel Assault (Hoth Light) later today. We will be sending all eligible players rewards as a make good for these issues (more info on that later today). We will not be restarting either of these events immediately to give us time to address the current territory configuration issue and review for any additional bugs. We will not be changing or re-tuning the difficulty for Republic Offensive. We will be updating the current event schedule due to this change and will update our forum post with the new dates of all events.

We apologize for the inconvenience this technical issue has caused. Thank you for your patience.