Original Post — Direct link
Hello there Holotable Heroes,

I hope you’re doing well since our last chat and enjoyed the Bad Batch puzzles that kicked off April. We are currently getting ready for our annual May the 4th celebration with a whole host of upcoming changes. We’ve got a number of important announcements to tell you about in this Road Ahead, so let’s dive right in.


April has been an exciting month for Clone Wars fans. We have released three clone troopers from the upcoming show, which also begins the process of building our new Bad Batch faction! These new units have some of our favorite animations and character designs, and I think you can tell that the team was committed to making these units extra special.

We’ve got another reveal next week that coincides with the release of the new series on Disney+ so stay tuned to the forums for the 4th member of the Bad Batch!

Continuing with our Clone Wars era content, our 4th Conquest will feature a new reward unit: Commander Ahsoka Tano!

Much like our Bad Batch units, Commander Ahsoka Tano is inspired by key moments from Season 7 of the Clone Wars. She is designed to be stronger than a Marquee character but not quite at the scale of an Epic Confrontation unit. We are also increasing the amount of shards you will be able to earn throughout an event - you will be able to unlock Commander Ahsoka at 7* after 3 Hard Conquests if you are earning the maximum reward crate and purchase her shards from merchants.

The 4th Conquest event will also mark some refinements to the Conquest unit cadence and how we plan to address these units in game.
[*] When we release a new unit to Conquest, we will do the following with previous Conquest exclusive units:
[*] The older unit will remain in the End of Event rewards but will see the amount awarded in prize boxes reduced.
[*] The amount of Conquest Currency needed to purchase shards will be slightly reduced.
[*] Its unit shards will appear more frequently at Normal and/or Hard Node Merchants (Wandering Scavenger).
[*] Several months later a third new unit will be introduced in Conquest and that first unit (Razor Crest in this case) will:
[*] Leave End of Event Prizing
[*] Stay on Node Merchants (Wandering Scavenger)
[*] Get added to Conquest Shipments for Crystals and Conquest Currency
[*] The last step for these units occurs approximately a year after their initial release
[*] The unit will become more widely available and be moved to somewhere more accessible. The final details are undecided at this time but we are looking at adding to a Journey Guide style event or a Galactic Challenge. We will have more info on this in the future.

You still have plenty of time to finish unlocking the Razor Crest, but the focus on different units will shift as new Conquest units are released.

This is also a good time to catch up a bit on the structure of Conquest. At a high level, Conquest had a very successful launch with the exhibition events, and most bugs or issues that were found were fairly minor. There is still a lot we want to do in terms of polishing and expanding the experience, but we were able to gather a ton of data from the Hard and Normal runs. We are in the midst of reviewing this data along with your feedback and are still working out the roadmap, but there are a few things we can share now.

Our next Conquest (Conquest 4) has some larger balance changes planned for it, but we want to make sure these changes maintain a similar level of balance as when it launched. We’re planning on changing the Sector Bosses and swapping out some of the Data Disks. Deployable Cooldown Systems, Dread and Quickening will be replaced with Entrenched, Convor's Agility and Future Vision.

The cadence for this and the next few Conquest events have been switched to once per month - this may change in the future as we monitor how this impacts players’ time in the game, but this will give us time between events to review data from the previous event and adjust accordingly. We are looking at future Conquest events to significantly refresh the experience with different matchups, feats, and potentially new modifiers. We haven’t finalized the details at the moment but the intention is to expand the theorycrafting space with a blend of old and new challenges.

The Bad Batch and Commander Ahsoka are the beginning stages of Galaxy of Heroes revisiting the Clone Wars, and will lead to a new round of Galactic Legends from the same era. This time we’re doing the release a bit differently, with just one Galactic Legend at a time. Releasing them in pairs has been exciting but difficult for players - not only does it decrease the time in the spotlight for each unit, and it can be very difficult to unlock them together if you really enjoy both of the factions these units are focused on improving.

So who is this new Galactic Legend? Maybe you caught it from my opening line… it’s Jedi Master Kenobi!

Galactic Legend Jedi Master Kenobi is inspired by Obi-Wan Kenobi during Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Jedi Master Kenobi's visual appearance will be drawn directly from Revenge of the Sith as well as having most of his abilities inspired by moments from the movie. I’m sure you’ve already got some guesses, but this will include some subtle homages to his best lines and moments from the film. Other parts of his kit are inspired by his standing as the exemplar Jedi Master, a very capable Leader and patient listener. Jedi Master Kenobi will be an extremely powerful unit and on par with other Galactic Legends.

Just like previous Galactic Legends we will be rolling out the requirements over time but this time with a schedule for when you can expect to see them. You can find the first group below, but the next set of requirements will be announced on 5/19 and the final set will be posted on 6/09. There will be Double Drops associated with each of these announcements to help you prepare and unlock this newest Galactic Legend as soon as he is released.

Jedi Master Kenobi Group 1 Requirements:
[*] General Kenobi - Relic 8
[*] Negotiator - 6 Star
[*] Mace Windu - Relic 3
[*] Aayla Secura - Relic 3
[*] Bo-Katan Kryze - Relic 5

Speaking of Double Drops, we have some exciting plans for May 4th besides the fourth Bad Batch announcement. In celebration of May the 4th, we are rewarding double drops on Light Side Battles, Dark Side Battles, Mod Battles, Cantina Battles and Fleet Battles on May 4th and 5th. This is a great opportunity to start preparing for Galactic Legend Kenobi or finish your progress on a previous Galactic Legend. There will also be special packs and bundles… and it wouldn’t be a celebration without 3 Clone Wars Chewie shards! (AND an inbox full of goodies, an awesome Bad Batch Portrait and Title: Bad Batch.)

[*] Bad Batch Portrait
[*] MK 1 Bonding Pin x50
[*] MK 1 Fusion Disk x50
[*] MK 1 Power Flow Control Chip x50
[*] MK 1 Fusion Coil x50
[*] MK 1 Amplifier x50
[*] MK 1 Capacitor x50
[*] MK 2 Pulse Modulator x20
[*] Credits x500,000
[*] Ship Building Materials x500,000
[*] Fragmented Signal Data x30
[*] Incomplete Signal Data x10
[*] Flawed Signal Data x5
[*] Carbonite Circuit Board x90
[*] Bronzium Wiring x70
[*] Chromium Transistor x15
[*] Aurodium Heatsink x5
[*] Electrium Conductor x5
[*] Zinbiddle Card x3
[*] General Kenobi Shards x5
[*] Grievous Shards x5
[*] Negotiator Blueprints x5
[*] Darth Traya Shards x5
[*] Razor Crest Blueprints x5
[*] Zeta Ability Materials x5
[*] Clone Wars Chewbacca Shards x3

Finally, let’s talk about Title Updates. These updates usually introduce a new feature or major changes to the game but we are shifting to more frequent Title Updates this year. These will be smaller in scope but the increased regularity enables us to perform fixes to Conquest quicker along with many other important improvements.

Earlier this month you saw one of these Title Updates in action with the improved Guild Search tools and menus. The previous schedule for large Title Updates would have made it troublesome to schedule the Guild Search changes when there are so many other things we want to get to, but this increased frequency means we can address some of these quality of life issues on a more regular basis.

Our next Title Update is coming in early May and is targeted at the early game experience, though players at every level will likely notice some changes. We have wanted to address the early game experience for a while and we’ll start with updating which characters all players receive as part of the early onboarding. While the initial characters in the game made sense for where we were five years ago, we’re excited to change these up for characters that should be immediately recognizable for anyone with a basic knowledge of Star Wars, as well as setting up new players for better success in the early game. There will be a list of these changes in future Update Notes so keep an eye out for that.

Even with all these improvements in the works, we are still working on larger features and big releases. These smaller Title Updates will target specific areas of Galaxy of Heroes that need improvement and continue to grow this game for years to come.

As you can see, there’s a ship load of changes coming to the game and I hope you are as excited as we are for the next few months in Galaxy of Heroes. Thank you all for reading and see you on the Holotables!

almost 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb_MINI - Direct link
Hello there Holotable Heroes,

I hope you’re doing well since our last chat and enjoyed the Bad Batch puzzles that kicked off April. We are currently getting ready for our annual May the 4th celebration with a whole host of upcoming changes. We’ve got a number of important announcements to tell you about in this Road Ahead, so let’s dive right in.


April has been an exciting month for Clone Wars fans. We have released three clone troopers from the upcoming show, which also begins the process of building our new Bad Batch faction! These new units have some of our favorite animations and character designs, and I think you can tell that the team was committed to making these units extra special.
We’ve got another reveal next week that coincides with the release of the new series on Disney+ so stay tuned to the forums for the 4th member of the Bad Batch!

Continuing with our Clone Wars era content, our 4th Conquest will feature a new reward unit: Commander Ahsoka Tano!
Much like our Bad Batch units, Commander Ahsoka Tano is inspired by key moments from Season 7 of the Clone Wars. She is designed to be stronger than a Marquee character but not quite at the scale of an Epic Confrontation unit. We are also increasing the amount of shards you will be able to earn throughout an event - you will be able to unlock Commander Ahsoka at 7* after 3 Hard Conquests if you are earning the maximum reward crate and purchase her shards from merchants.

The 4th Conquest event will also mark some refinements to the Conquest unit cadence and how we plan to address these units in game.
  1. When we release a new unit to Conquest, we will do the following with previous Conquest exclusive units:
    • The older unit will remain in the End of Event rewards but will see the amount awarded in prize boxes reduced.
    • The amount of Conquest Currency needed to purchase shards will be slightly reduced.
    • Its unit shards will appear more frequently at Normal and/or Hard Node Merchants (Wandering Scavenger).
  2. Several months later a third new unit will be introduced in Conquest and that first unit (Razor Crest in this case) will:
    • Leave End of Event Prizing
    • Stay on Node Merchants (Wandering Scavenger)
    • Get added to Conquest Shipments for Crystals and Conquest Currency
  3. The last step for these units occurs approximately a year after their initial release
    • The unit will become more widely available and be moved to somewhere more accessible. The final details are undecided at this time but we are looking at adding to a Journey Guide style event or a Galactic Challenge. We will have more info on this in the future.

You still have plenty of time to finish unlocking the Razor Crest, but the focus on different units will shift as new Conquest units are released.

This is also a good time to catch up a bit on the structure of Conquest. At a high level, Conquest had a very successful launch with the exhibition events, and most bugs or issues that were found were fairly minor. There is still a lot we want to do in terms of polishing and expanding the experience, but we were able to gather a ton of data from the Hard and Normal runs. We are in the midst of reviewing this data along with your feedback and are still working out the roadmap, but there are a few things we can share now.

Our next Conquest (Conquest 4) has some larger balance changes planned for it, but we want to make sure these changes maintain a similar level of balance as when it launched. We’re planning on changing the Sector Bosses and swapping out some of the Data Disks. Deployable Cooldown Systems, Dread and Quickening will be replaced with Entrenched, Convor's Agility and Future Vision.

The cadence for this and the next few Conquest events have been switched to once per month - this may change in the future as we monitor how this impacts players’ time in the game, but this will give us time between events to review data from the previous event and adjust accordingly. We are looking at future Conquest events to significantly refresh the experience with different matchups, feats, and potentially new modifiers. We haven’t finalized the details at the moment but the intention is to expand the theorycrafting space with a blend of old and new challenges.

The Bad Batch and Commander Ahsoka are the beginning stages of Galaxy of Heroes revisiting the Clone Wars, and will lead to a new round of Galactic Legends from the same era. This time we’re doing the release a bit differently, with just one Galactic Legend at a time. Releasing them in pairs has been exciting but difficult for players - not only does it decrease the time in the spotlight for each unit, and it can be very difficult to unlock them together if you really enjoy both of the factions these units are focused on improving.

So who is this new Galactic Legend? Maybe you caught it from my opening line… it’s Jedi Master Kenobi!
Galactic Legend Jedi Master Kenobi is inspired by Obi-Wan Kenobi during Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Jedi Master Kenobi's visual appearance will be drawn directly from Revenge of the Sith as well as having most of his abilities inspired by moments from the movie. I’m sure you’ve already got some guesses, but this will include some subtle homages to his best lines and moments from the film. Other parts of his kit are inspired by his standing as the exemplar Jedi Master, a very capable Leader and patient listener. Jedi Master Kenobi will be an extremely powerful unit and on par with other Galactic Legends.

Just like previous Galactic Legends we will be rolling out the requirements over time but this time with a schedule for when you can expect to see them. You can find the first group below, but the next set of requirements will be announced on 5/19 and the final set will be posted on 6/09. There will be Double Drops associated with each of these announcements to help you prepare and unlock this newest Galactic Legend as soon as he is released.

Jedi Master Kenobi Group 1 Requirements:
  • General Kenobi - Relic 8
  • Negotiator - 6 Star
  • Mace Windu - Relic 3
  • Aayla Secura - Relic 3
  • Bo-Katan Kryze - Relic 5

Speaking of Double Drops, we have some exciting plans for May 4th besides the fourth Bad Batch announcement. In celebration of May the 4th, we are rewarding double drops on Light Side Battles, Dark Side Battles, Mod Battles, Cantina Battles and Fleet Battles on May 4th and 5th. This is a great opportunity to start preparing for Galactic Legend Kenobi or finish your progress on a previous Galactic Legend. There will also be special packs and bundles… and it wouldn’t be a celebration without 3 Clone Wars Chewie shards! (AND an inbox full of goodies, an awesome Bad Batch Portrait and Title: Bad Batch.)

  • Bad Batch Portrait
  • MK 1 Bonding Pin x50
  • MK 1 Fusion Disk x50
  • MK 1 Power Flow Control Chip x50
  • MK 1 Fusion Coil x50
  • MK 1 Amplifier x50
  • MK 1 Capacitor x50
  • MK 2 Pulse Modulator x20
  • Credits x500,000
  • Ship Building Materials x500,000
  • Fragmented Signal Data x30
  • Incomplete Signal Data x10
  • Flawed Signal Data x5
  • Carbonite Circuit Board x90
  • Bronzium Wiring x70
  • Chromium Transistor x15
  • Aurodium Heatsink x5
  • Electrium Conductor x5
  • Zinbiddle Card x3
  • General Kenobi Shards x5
  • Grievous Shards x5
  • Negotiator Blueprints x5
  • Darth Traya Shards x5
  • Razor Crest Blueprints x5
  • Zeta Ability Materials x5
  • Clone Wars Chewbacca Shards x3

Finally, let’s talk about Title Updates. These updates usually introduce a new feature or major changes to the game but we are shifting to more frequent Title Updates this year. These will be smaller in scope but the increased regularity enables us to perform fixes to Conquest quicker along with many other important improvements.

Earlier this month you saw one of these Title Updates in action with the improved Guild Search tools and menus. The previous schedule for large Title Updates would have made it troublesome to schedule the Guild Search changes when there are so many other things we want to get to, but this increased frequency means we can address some of these quality of life issues on a more regular basis.

Our next Title Update is coming in early May and is targeted at the early game experience, though players at every level will likely notice some changes. We have wanted to address the early game experience for a while and we’ll start with updating which characters all players receive as part of the early onboarding. While the initial characters in the game made sense for where we were five years ago, we’re excited to change these up for characters that should be immediately recognizable for anyone with a basic knowledge of Star Wars, as well as setting up new players for better success in the early game. There will be a list of these changes in future Update Notes so keep an eye out for that.

Even with all these improvements in the works, we are still working on larger features and big releases. These smaller Title Updates will target specific areas of Galaxy of Heroes that need improvement and continue to grow this game for years to come.

As you can see, there’s a ship load of changes coming to the game and I hope you are as excited as we are for the next few months in Galaxy of Heroes. Thank you all for reading and see you on the Holotables!
