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Hello Holotable Heroes,

The first round of GC Madness is over and the field of 32 has been narrowed down to the Sweet Sixteen!

Like last round, Galactic Challenges will be paired off and pitted against each other to vie for your selection. The eight winners from this round will be reordered and matched up in the next round, where four new winners will be selected. The rounds continue until only two GCs are left and one is crowned champion. While this tournament is mostly for “funsies,” it will also help give the devs a better understanding of which GCs have been your favorites so far.

Choose your preferred GCs based on the modifiers for each of the locations, player and enemy squads. Rewards and other criteria associated with a specific GC (other than the modifiers listed above) should not be factored into your choices.

Although the survey link found here is where your votes will be cast, discussion in this thread is highly encouraged. Feel free to tell us why you chose the ones you did and kindly debate as to your favorite - or not-so-favorite - Galactic Challenges.

Within the survey, you will find images of the modifiers that apply to each GC for your reference. These images can be opened in new tabs if you need to get a closer look and you’re unable to zoom in. Additionally, each of the modifiers are pictured in the spoiler section below.




Sweet Sixteen Matchups (includes the original seed number, start date, location, player and enemy factions, and win percentage from previous round):

As you can see from the image above, the original seed-numbers have been retained from the previous round. On the far right side of the image, the win percentage from the last round is also included. This is the percentage of overall votes that particular GC took against its opponent in the first round, whether it was due to the GC being well-liked, or because the opposing GC was uh, not popular.

Also for this round, the GCs with the highest win percentages from the previous round have been matched against those with the lowest.
almost 4 years ago - CG_Doja_Fett - Direct link

I'm really enjoying going back and looking at the Galactic Challenges and voting on which ones I liked the best. Big Props to Doja for setting this up.
Any details on how many voting submissions there were?

Thanks for participating! Round One had around 800 responses.
almost 4 years ago - CG_Doja_Fett - Direct link



I am really shocked ppl seem to enjoy the Rebel modifier... Imo nothing stands further from actual strategical planning then the rebel modifier when you might or might not oneshot/get oneshotted in the opener....

Not surprised to see FO vs Rebel win, even though rebel is the opposing faction, First Order is the easiest faction for players since a lot of players have, or are working towards SLKR as their first GL and can breeze through any enemy faction, even it is rebels

Yeah one may make points like this, but i have seen more than one rebel in round 2... Okay, i think there was a rebel Vs Mando, that is also understandable.

I think I saw a youtuber promote this voting and a random viewer commented something along these lines: "this poll is like where do you want yourself to be stabbed with a knife"

I dont fully agree with this comment (event tho I stated multiple times how disappointed I am with GC), but seeing this vote turn into a protestvote in many-many occasions just feels bad to me. Keep in mind that all Mando GC-s were voted out despite the fact that the "Code" is one of the most creative modifier which was praised by most of my guildmates and other friends as well.

But okay, it is what it is, waiting for round 3.

I figured the Mando GCs would suffer from backlash. That's why I tried to make it clear I was hoping for responses based on the modifiers, not rewards or requirements. But, we can do another tournament down the road and see how it goes. This is the first one, so it's a learning experience and I can make some tweaks and refinements for the next one.