about 1 year ago - CG_Tusken_Meathead - Direct link
Hello Holotable Heroes,

We're writing to update you on the recent changes to the Raid Economy. Upon release and through player feedback, we realize the initial attempt at the updated economy was not landing where we wanted it to and for that we apologize. We know how hard everyone works to get to where they are and to maintain their rosters. Needless to say, this wasn’t ideal.

We're committed to making the Raid Economy better, and we're working on a number of changes that we believe will improve your experience. These changes include:

Updated reward tracks - we are making a series of changes that target improving the value players can get earlier in the reward milestone tracks:
  • We will be moving Mk I, Mk 2, and Mk 3 tokens towards the front of the Guild reward track, with larger amounts of the total quantities available within the first three Guild reward boxes. Most notably, Mk 3 will be able to be earned starting from the first Guild reward box.
  • We will be reducing the total amount of points required to reach many of the Guild reward boxes early in the track.
Mk 4 Zaltin Bacta Gel Salvage and Mk 8 BioTech Implant Salvage have been added to the Guild Store for Mk 1 Raid Tokens.

The Guild Store will been reorganized to make it easier for players to find what they're looking for.

These initial changes will go live on Wednesday, May 10th during our regularly scheduled update.

If you start a Raid before the update, you will be locked into the old reward structure for that raid. To receive the new reward structure, you must start a raid after the update on Wednesday.

We are also aware that characters available for Guild Tokens were overlooked with this update and while we weren’t able to make this change for Wednesday, we will be making sure folks can acquire these characters with Mk I in a future update.

We will continue to monitor your feedback and keep looking at our data for any other areas that may need adjusting. If you have any suggestions or concerns, please let us know.

Thank you and see you on the Holotable!