over 3 years
ago -
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Hi Holotable Heroes!
Galactic Legend Jedi Master Kenobi has joined the holotables!
Brimming with references to iconic Revenge of the Sith moments, Galactic Legend Jedi Master Kenobi has a kit that is as powerful as it is reverent to Episode III. Health and Protection recovery, Defense Penetration, Foresight, and Mastery, along with Speed and Health increases for allies are just the tip of the lightsaber. In addition to Galactic Republic characters, he also acts as a robust leader when paired with Light Side Unaligned Force Users.
When it comes to the opposition, Jedi Master Kenobi inflicts enemies with Vulnerable and calls allies to assist, showcasing the intelligence and camaraderie he regularly displayed during battle.
Worthy of both the Jedi Master and Galactic Legend titles, if you’re not excited for this version of Obi-Wan, “then, you are lost!”
Today’s update also coincides with the force Title Update that began rolling out yesterday. See the roll out post for details!
- The Squad Management tools have been updated.
- You can now tap Faction tags when looking at a character to go to a filtered view of that Faction in the inventory screen.
- Jedi Knight Luke's event is now permanently available in the Journey Guide.
For more info on these units, check out the kit reveals and strategy guides below:
- Jedi Master Kenobi: Kit Reveal - Dev Insights
- Bad Batch Tech shards are now farmable from Light Side 5-F Hard. This replaces the URoRRuR'R'R shards, which can still be farmed from Light Side 5-A Hard.
- GENERAL - Player's going from level 60 to 61 should now receive 45 bonus Ship Energy.
- GENERAL - Fixed an issue that caused battles in Galactic War to not count towards quests progress.
- GENERAL - Fixed an issue that could remove the Guild related icons on the right of the main Cantina Screen (For Territory War and Territory Battles) after viewing a 'Recommended Guild' or searching for a Guild.
- GENERAL - The arrows to re-order your squads in the squads tabs were not visible during the rollout of this update.
- UNIT - Fixed an issue where Moff Gideon's Insight was considered a buff.
- UNIT - Fixed an issue where Count Dooku's Riposte counted as a buff that couldn't be dispelled despite being dispellable.
- UNIT - Fixed issue where a Galactic Legend character could have their Health and Protection partially reduced if the character did not have any Relic levels, and the "Galactic Legend" unique ability had been upgraded to max.
- UNIT - General Kenobi’s Special ability description has been updated to reflect the functionality. His Retribution lasted for 3 turns when the description said 2.
- UNIT - A bug with Sith Eternal Emperors unique ability not correctly blocking Deceived enemies from Counter Attacking has been fixed.
- EVENT - Fixed an issue that caused 4th reinforcement slot can be locked if you first attacked using a Capital Ship less than 7* in Grand Arena.
- EVENT - Viewing your opponents inventory in round 2 or 3 could bring you to the wrong round when closing your opponents summary page.
- EVENT - Fixed an issue that caused the Side Turrets to occasionally not respawn when Jedi Master Luke had used his ultimate in the AAT raid.
- EVENT - Selecting a saved squad for the Wat Tambor Special Mission in phase 3 would sometimes leave a character out from the squad and rearrange the order of squad members.
- EVENT - You can no longer summon units in Raids.
- AUDIO - Fixed an audio bug where Rey (Jedi Training) did not have saber audio playing during her fidget animation in her character details screen
- AUDIO - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben) and Ahsoka Tano did not have lightsaber ignite and humming sound effects.
- AUDIO - Geonosian Mountainside environment now plays river audio.
- AUDIO - Music from other apps can be played in the background.
- GENERAL - Units that are no longer available in Raids or Grand Arena do not have a visual difference in the Squad and Inventory screens.
- GENERAL - Characters from pre-battle screen are displayed extra large after minimizing the app while the Synergy popup is on screen.
- EVENT - Stand Your Ground is not providing Protection is the Geonosis Territory Battle.
- EVENT - Tier III of Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and Rey's Galactic Ascension events can soft lock when completing these missions.
- EVENT - The Entrenched Data Disk is not working in Conquest.