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Helo Holotable Heroes!

It’s Title Update day!

You will be required to update your game from your app store and get the latest data.

The biggest news for this release is the brand new Krayt Dragon Hunt and revamped Raid feature! There will also be some UI/UX adjustments you will notice and bugs being fixed.

Read on to see the list of changes.


Our new Krayt Dragon Hunt is hitting the Holotables! Take your Tuskens and start your journey by heading to the native home planet of the Krayt Dragon, Tatooine.

In previous raids, bosses are immune to many debuff effects because they can easily disrupt and trivialize a Raid encounter. However, for this Raid we’re introducing a new mechanic called Defiance that will require players to bring these debuffs to minimize the effects of the boss’s attacks. During this time players will want to remove as many stacks of Defiance as possible before the boss takes its next turn, lest they face some dire consequences.

The burst damage window will require players to manage big damage cooldowns to avoid devastating attacks while scoring as well as they can. Maximizing the damage potential between these windows by using some of those big cooldowns outside of the window is one avenue toward improving performance.

Balancing ability cooldowns between Damage and Debuffs windows while scoring as many points as possible outside of these moments is where we want to create a great deal of space for theorycrafting and optimization. As with all Raids, we expect this event to be a challenge at first but you will figure out the core loops of the Raid and fine tune your attempts over time.

For the Krayt Dragon Hunt you will be able to bring in the following factions:
  • Hutt Cartel
  • Jawa
  • Mandalorian
  • Old Republic
  • Tusken

For a rundown on some Krayt Dragon Hunt mechanics, take a look at our April Road Ahead
For general raid information, go back and check out the February Road Ahead

Best of luck out there! You’re going to need it.


A new Raid economy will be accompanying the new Raid and revamped Raid feature. In short, this change allows you to decide which rewards you want with the currency you earn. This agency gives you more power on how you improve the characters and journey you are on at any given time and allows you to make quick adjustments to your journey whenever you see fit.

TLDR - Out with the random rewards, in with the power of choice!

For the team, this is an extremely important aspect of the game and we want to make sure you all benefit from this updated system!

One way we sought to support this goal was to keep significant quantities of the Mk I and Mk II Raid tokens available earlier in the milestones, especially Mk I. There are 15 solo, and 9 guild milestones in total. By completing up to just individual Milestone 5 and Guild Milestone 3, players will obtain a significant portion of tokens to purchase early stage gear. This quantity of currency can be used to obtain items consistent with the previous reward value.

Details on the total currency quantities and shipment prices will be at the end of this section.

We’ve mentioned this in previous posts, but a major goal of the updates to Raids and their rewards is to give players the ability to focus on what they need as opposed to relying on random drops. The rewards now are focused on awarding 3 currencies, and giving players the ability to direct those currencies towards the items they need.

To support this, we have added a large number of shipment slots to the Guild Activity shipment and Weekly Shipment where players can use the currencies to purchase relevant items in different quantities. This arrangement seeks to empower the player to be able to focus on what they want.

The new system also enables us to provide paths through the new content towards items that weren't available before, such as Relic 9 upgrade materials. We always want new content released to feel meaningful and exciting to players, and the adjustments to the system help us achieve this goal.

Additional information on the new currencies, and pricing are outlined here (*Note: Prices under “MK I Price of Items in this Group” refers to the range of cost of any 1 item in the “Possible Items” column.)


For players who are still building their teams and need some time before taking on the challenge of the Hunt, the Legacy raids are still present. Sith Triumvirate, Tank Takedown, and The Pit all remain playable and award Mk I Raid Tokens (or in the case of Triumvirate, both Mk I and Mk II) in quantities that can be used to acquire comparable amounts of weekly items for consistent completion of those raids in the previous experience.

The team will be monitoring the Raid Economy as you all interact with it and will make adjustments if deemed necessary. We look forward to hearing from you and your feedback on both the NEW RAID and revamped Raid economy!

Other News
  • 50R-T has been added to the list of Accelerated Characters.
  • May the Fourth Inbox Gift
  • Merrin is now available in Chromium Packs and Shipments.
  • Saw Gerrera Kit

  • Prevent loading screen loop when quickly exiting Dark Fate event back to Event Table
  • Thunderous Applause will now properly apply to transformed leaders.
  • Fixed screen timeout during auto-battle on certain device hardware
  • Players will receive a warning message if they attempt to access the territory battle from the on glass icon when they are ineligible due to joining the guild after the event was started.
  • When returning to planet view in TB, selection indicator is present from the start
  • Missing character filter options will now be available in the Character/Ship mixed Territory Battle Zones
  • Fixed issue causing Territory Battle Stats leaderboard to only show Placeholder entries for all guild members
  • Stat Calibration screen background should no longer flicker when slicing a mod from 5A to 6E and beyond.
  • Fixed an issue where Geonosian Brood and Stable Bulwark weren't properly counted as buffs
  • Updated TIE Defender description to match functionality
  • Fixed game rotation lock on Android devices to respect user's device rotation lock setting

A very small percentage of Android users may experience crashing or soft locks during backgrounding/foregrounding the app and during some moments in gameplay when experiencing inconsistent internet connectivity. A fix has been identified and is currently undergoing testing.