Original Post — Direct link

UNIT NAME: Supreme Leader Kylo Ren
CATEGORIES: Dark Side, Attacker, Leader, First Order, Galactic Legend
Destructive Leader of the First Order who overpowers his enemies with brutal attacks

[[url="https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/226093/developer-insights-supreme-leader-kylo-ren/p1?new=1"]Developer Insight[/url] - Kit Reveal]



FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Inflict Buff Immunity for 2 turns on target enemy and deal Physical damage to them twice. If the target was Stunned, deal damage again and gain Advantage for 2 turns. If it's Kylo's turn, he gains 10 Siphon until the end of the encounter.

Siphon: This unit will gain 1% of a stat per stack and the target will lose the amount gained

Special 1: STASIS STRIKE (Cooldown 3)

FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Dispel all buffs on all enemies and Stun target enemy for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted. Then, deal Physical damage to target enemy and Kylo gains 20 Siphon until the end of the encounter. On a critical hit, Kylo gains 40 Siphon instead. This attack can't be evaded.

Special 2: FURIOUS ONSLAUGHT (Cooldown 3)

FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Deal Physical damage to all enemies. Kylo Siphons Mastery from target enemy, doubled if they were Stunned, which can't be resisted. Then, dispel all debuffs on all Dark Side allies and grant them Advantage for 2 turns.

Siphon Mastery: Gain a percentage of Mastery equal to this unit's Siphon until the end of the encounter and the target loses that much Mastery (stacking, excludes raid bosses and Galactic Legends)


FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Dark Side allies have +40% Mastery and +50% Critical Damage.

Whenever a Dark Side ally loses Advantage without scoring a critical hit, they gain Advantage for 1 turn at the end of the turn.

Whenever a Dark Side ally gains Advantage, if they didn't already have it, they gain a bonus based on their role:

[*] Tanks Taunt for 2 turns
[*] Attackers gain Critical Damage Up for 2 turns
[*] Supports and Healers gain 20% Turn Meter


FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Supreme Leader Kylo Ren is immune to Stagger and can't gain taunt effects, and enemies defeated during his turn can't be revived.

Whenever a Dark Side ally loses Turn Meter, they gain 10% of their current Max Health and Max Protection (stacking).

Whenever a Dark Side ally gains bonus Turn Meter, they lose 10% of their current Max Health and Max Protection (stacking).


FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) This unit takes reduced damage from percent Health damage effects and massive damage effects. They take massive damage from destroy effects (excludes raid bosses) and are immune to stun effects.

This unit has +10% Max Health and Max Protection per Relic Amplifier level, and damage they receive is decreased by 30%.

Ultimate: DEPTHS OF RAGE (Requires at least 60% Ultimate Charge to activate)
Unlocked with purchase (10 Ultimate Ability Materials) after meeting requirement of Relic Amplifier level 1
Ultimate Charge: Supreme Leader Kylo Ren gains 2% Ultimate Charge whenever a Dark Side ally deals Physical or Special damage to an enemy, increased to 5% on a critical hit.

FINAL TEXT: (ULTIMATE) Supreme Leader Kylo Ren dispels all debuffs on himself, enters an aggressive stance, and deals Physical damage to all enemies, which can't be evaded. While in this stance, Kylo is immune to damage and detrimental effects, he can't be defeated, his Siphon is doubled, and his abilities have no cooldowns.

[*] 60% Ultimate Charge: Aggressive stance lasts for 1 turn
[*] 85% Ultimate Charge: Aggressive stance lasts for 2 turns
[*] 100% Ultimate Charge: Aggressive stance lasts for 3 turns
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren can't use this ability if he is already in an aggressive stance
almost 5 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link

Can someone explain how siphon works? "A stat" really isn't that descriptive, CG

There is a more detailed explanation in the Developer Insights post Siphon doesn't do anything on its own but it represents the percentage of stats stolen when used in conjunction with other abilities. An ability that uses Siphon will specify which stat it will steal from an enemy unit. In the case of Kylo’s Special 2, Furious Onslaught, its' Siphon Mastery and Kylo steals Mastery based on how many stacks of Siphon he has. You will want to use Kylo’s Basic and Special 1 to gain stacks of Siphon and then use Special 2 to steal Mastery based on the number of those Siphon stacks.