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[ [url="https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/243571/developer-insights-tech/p1?new=1"]Developer Insights[/url] - Kit Reveal ]

CATEGORIES: Support, Bad Batch, Clone Trooper, Galactic Republic
Stealthy support character that gives Translation to other Clone Troopers and applies Target Lock to enemies.



FINAL TEXT: Deal Special damage to target enemy, and inflict Target Lock for 2 turns on target enemy and the healthiest enemy that didn't already have it. If target enemy was already Target Locked, attack again.

Special 1: DELICATE OPERATION (Cooldown 3)

FINAL TEXT: Tech and target other Clone Trooper ally recover 40% of their Max Health, doubled if target ally is Bad Batch, gain Stealth and Potency Up for 2 turns, and Translation for 3 turns. If Tech was already Stealthed, all other Bad Batch allies also gain Translation for 3 turns.

Special 2: BRILLIANT IDEA (Cooldown 4)

FINAL TEXT: Dispel all debuffs from Clone Trooper allies. All Bad Batch allies gain Foresight, Tenacity Up, and Stealth for 2 turns. Deal Special damage to all enemies, and inflict Stun for 1 turn on enemies that are Dazed or Target Locked.


FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) At the start of battle, Tech gains +1 Speed for each Clone Trooper ally, doubled for Bad Batch allies. If all allies are Clone Troopers, Tech gains Stealth for 1 turn. Tech has +25% Potency for each of his own stacks of Translation. While Tech is active, Clone Trooper allies gain Translation for 3 turns (max 3 stacks) each time they use a Special ability. Translation cannot be copied. If the character already has Translation, the duration for all current stacks on that character resets to 3 turns. If all allies that can apply Translation are defeated, all stacks of Translation expire.

Translation - Beneficial effects build based on the cumulative number of stacks:
[*] 1: Gain 30% Max Health
[*] 2: Gain 15% Critical Chance
[*] 3: If only one ally who grants Translation is present, decrease this character's cooldowns by 1 when that ally uses their basic ability (limit once per turn)
almost 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb_MINI - Direct link
Looks like the dates at the bottom of Tech's character card are messed up. Working to get those updated as soon as possible.
almost 4 years ago - CG_SBCrumb_MINI - Direct link

Looks like the dates at the bottom of Tech's character card are messed up. Working to get those updated as soon as possible.

Fixed the character card dates. Note that the final reveal has been moved to May 4th for.... reasons :)