Original Post — Direct link
Hi Holotable Heroes, The new Territory Battle, Rise of the Empire launches soon and here are some details to help you prepare for our first Territory Battle that uses your entire roster! Overview of Missions, Modifiers, and Required Characters & Factions Each phase will require characters of a specific Relic level. Not all squads composed of that Relic level are guaranteed to clear every wave of every encounter in that phase. Even squads and characters over the minimum Relic level may find certain encounters or planetary modifiers insurmountable due to the nature of the battle. Much like previous Territory Battles, you need the right units, the correct strategy, and at least the min Relic levels to beat these Combat Missions. Unlike previous Territory Battles, Encounters are static and you will face the same enemies in each Encounter every time to enter that battle. We are including here a breakdown of what units and factions will be required in missions in any given phase, as well as what Modifiers are in play for that planet. Many of these Planetary Modifiers will look familiar, as they are identical to the ones used in Galactic Challenges that take place on those planets, but we have added additional ones as well as changed some planets’ modifiers to a different effect. Modifiers marked as Encounter Modifiers will occur on at least one combat encounter on that planet. Remember, appropriate modding will be a deciding factor in many battles! Using the improved Mod Management and new Mod Enhancement systems to filter and calibrate your existing mods can give you the significant advantage needed to see victory where you once saw defeat. NOTE: Recommended Relic levels should be used as a rough guideline. Mods, Squad composition, combat strategy, and Operations will also greatly impact the difficulty of these battles. NOTE: Min Requirements are for Combat Missions and Operations but not Deployment -------- PHASE 1 --------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 1 Sector 1 - Light Side Planet - Coruscant Ground Modifier - Thunderous Applause All characters (excluding summons) gain the Democracy granted ability which starts at 0%. Whenever an ally gains a buff or inflicts a debuff on an enemy, increase all ally's energy by 5%. At the start of the encounter, both Leaders gain 100% Potency and Tenacity, 100 Speed, and are immune to Fear. The enemy leader is immune to and destroy effects and can't fall below 1% Health while an ally is present. (Granted Ability): Democracy Set Democracy's charge to 0% for all allies. Inflict 1 stack of No Confidence on the enemy Leader and Stun them for 1 turn, which can't be evaded or resisted. When the enemy Leader reaches 3 stacks of No Confidence, they are instantly defeated (including Galactic Legends), all allies no longer gain charge, and all allies (excluding summons) gain Thunderous Applause for the rest of the encounter. Encounter Modifier - Total Obedience If the allied Leader would be defeated, a random Clone Trooper ally is defeated instead and the allied Leader gains 100% Health and Turn meter. Whenever a Clone Trooper ally takes damage, all Clone Trooper allies gain Protection Up (10%) for 2 turns. Whenever the allied Leader takes damage, all ally Clone Troopers gain 12% Turn Meter. Space Modifier - This is Where the Fun Begins At the start of battle, a random ship is inflicted with Marked until they receive damage. Whenever a ship is Marked, all other ships gain Taunt for the rest of the encounter. Whenever a ship inflicted with Marked is attacked (excluding the Capital Ship), the attacking ship is inflicted with Marked for the rest of the encounter. Marked ships have -50% Defense and +50% Offense. Ships with Taunt have +50% Defense and -50% Offense. Whenever a ship attacks a Marked target, they gain 10% Offense (stacking, max 200%), and if they critically hit the Marked target, they gain 10% Critical Damage (stacking, max 200%). Whenever a ship with Taunt is attacked, they lose 10% Defense. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 5 Light Side and Neutral Units
  • Jedi
  • Mace Windu, Kit Fisto
  • Outrider
----------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 1 Sector 2 - Dark Side Planet - Mustafar Ground Modifier - Lava Fields Whenever a character uses an ability, inflict Burning on them for 1 turn, which can't be evaded or resisted. Space Modifier - Molten Planet Whenever a ship uses an ability, inflict Burning on them for 1 turn, which can't be evaded or resisted. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 5 Dark Side and Neutral Units
  • Lord Vader
  • Scythe
----------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 1 Sector 3 - Mixed Planet - Corellia Ground Modifier - Scrumrats At the start of battle, a random enemy gains Coaxium, which can't be prevented or dispelled. Whenever a character with Coaxium is attacked, the attacking character gains Coaxium. Coaxium: +25% Critical Damage and Speed; -15% Accuracy; will be critically hit if able; enemies can ignore Taunt to target this character; if this character is defeated by a status effect, Coaxium will not be granted to anyone Encounter Modifier - One Step Ahead Scoundrel allies gain +30% Max Health, +20 Speed, and are immune to Buff Immunity. While buffed, Scoundrel allies take 30% less damage, have +50% counter chance, and inflict Defense Down for 2 turns when attacked, which can't be resisted. While debuffed, Scoundrel allies gain +10 Speed. Space Modifier - Corellian Engineering At the beginning of battle, each side summons a random Corellian Engineering Cargo Ship. At the start of their turn, Cargo Ships gain Protection Over Time (10%) for 1 turn. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 5 Light Side, Dark Side, and Neutral Units
  • Doctor Aphra
  • Jabba the Hutt
  • Young Han, Qi'ra
  • Lando's Millennium Falcon, Outrider
-------- PHASE 2 --------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 2 Sector 1 - Light Side Planet - Bracca Ground Modifier - Endless Ranks At the start of battle, Imperial Troopers gain 1 stack of Endless Ranks for each Imperial Trooper ally.Endless Ranks: When defeated, remove 1 stack of Endless Ranks from all Imperial Trooper allies and revive with 60% Health and Protection Encounter Modifier - Imperial Supremacy If there is an Empire ally in the Leader slot, they gain 30% Max Health and Max Protection, and the strongest ally Taunts for 2 turns at the start of the encounter. Whenever an Empire ally (excluding summons) uses a Special Ability during their turn, all Empire allies increase the damage they deal by 10% until the end of the encounter, and then all other Empire allies are called to assist. If there is an active Empire ally at the end of each ally's turn, summon an Imperial Probe Droid with Taunt for 1 turn if the allied slot is available. Space Modifier - Orbital Scrapyard The first time a ship is reduced to 1% Health (excluding summoned ships), it recovers 100% Health and Protection, and gains Decommissioned until the end of the encounter, which can't be dispelled or prevented. If a ship is inflicted with Decommissioned at the start of its turn, it is destroyed, and all other allies gain 20% Max Health, Max Protection, and Offense (stacking) until the end of the encounter. Decommissioned: -50% Speed; can't assist, counter attack, gain bonus Turn Meter or buffs Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 6 Light Side and Neutral Units
  • Jedi
----------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 2 Sector 2 - Dark Side Planet - Geonosis Ground Modifier - Geonosis Arena Whenever a unit uses a Special ability, they gain a stack of Entertainment which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Entertainment: +10% Max Health, Offense and Potency per stack Space Modifier - 3720 to 1 Whenever a ship is inflicted with Target Lock, it also gains Foresight and Stealth for 2 turns, which can't be dispelled. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 6 Dark Side and Neutral Units
  • Geonosians
----------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 2 Sector 3 - Mixed Planet - Felucia Ground Modifier - Nysillin Farm At the start of each character's turn, they gain Heal Over Time (10%) for 1 turn. While a character has Heal Over Time, they have +25% Defense and are immune to Buff Immunity. Whenever a Heal Over Time expires, the character gains Offense Up for 1 turn. Recovery effects are increased by 20%. Space Modifier - Nysillin Trade At the start of each ship's turn, they gain Protection Over Time (10%) for 1 turn. While a ship has Protection Over Time, they have +25% Defense and are immune to Buff Immunity. Whenever a Protection Over Time expires, the character gains Offense Up for 1 turn. Recovery effects are increased by 20%. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 6 Light Side, Dark Side, and Neutral Units
  • Young Lando Calrissian
  • Hondo Ohnaka
  • Jabba the Hutt
-------- PHASE 3 --------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 3 Sector 1 - Light Side Planet - Kashyyyk Ground Modifier - Righteous Retribution Whenever a unit takes damage, they gain 20% Critical Damage (stacking) until they score a critical hit. Whenever a unit is debuffed, they recover 10% Protection. Whenever a unit is defeated, another random ally takes a bonus turn. Encounter Modifier - Imperial Supremacy If there is an Empire ally in the Leader slot, they gain 30% Max Health and Max Protection, and the strongest ally Taunts for 2 turns at the start of the encounter. Whenever an Empire ally (excluding summons) uses a Special Ability during their turn, all Empire allies increase the damage they deal by 10% until the end of the encounter, and then all other Empire allies are called to assist. If there is an active Empire ally at the end of each ally's turn, summon an Imperial Probe Droid with Taunt for 1 turn if the allied slot is available. Space Modifier - Blockade At the start of the encounter, increase the cooldown of Call Reinforcements by 1 on all Capital Ships. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 7 Light Side and Neutral Units
  • Light Side Wookiees
  • Profundity
----------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 3 Sector 2 - Dark Side Planet - Dathomir Ground Modifier - Dark Magick Every 10 turns, all defeated characters are revived at 50% Health. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 7 Dark Side and Neutral Units
  • Doctor Aphra
  • Empire
----------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 3 Sector 3 - Mixed Planet - Tatooine Ground Modifier - Dune Sandstorm At the end of every other turn, all units are inflicted with Damage Over Time until defeated, which can't be resisted. Space Modifier - Binary System The first time a non-Capital Ship uses a Special ability each turn, it gains Ability Block for 1 turn, which cannot be prevented, and takes a bonus turn. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 7 Light Side, Dark Side, and Neutral Units
  • Fennec Shand
  • Jabba the Hutt
  • Grand Inquisitor + 4 Inquisitorius
  • Executor
-------- PHASE 4 --------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 4 Sector 1 - Light Side Planet - Lothal Ground Modifier - Rebellious Whenever an ally uses a special ability during their turn, call a random other ally to assist. Whenever a character attacks out of turn, they gain a stack of Rebellious, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. At 20 stacks of Rebellious, they gain an additional 30% Offense. Rebellious: +2% Critical Chance and Critical Damage (stacking, max 20) Encounter Modifier - Endless Ranks At the start of battle, Imperial Troopers gain 1 stack of Endless Ranks for each Imperial Trooper ally. Endless Ranks: When defeated, remove 1 stack of Endless Ranks from all Imperial Trooper allies and revive with 60% Health and Protection Space Modifier - Probe Droids Whenever a ship has 4 or more buffs, they are inflicted with Breach and Expose for 1 turn. These effects can't be resisted. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 8 Light Side and Neutral Units
  • Jedi
  • Phoenix
----------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 4 Sector 2 Dark Side Planet - Haven-class Medical Station Ground Modifier - Brain Worm Outbreak At the start of battle, all characters are inflicted with a stack of Brain Worms until the end of battle, which can't be dispelled or prevented, and gain the granted ability Brain Freeze. Brain Worms: Lose 5% Health per stack at the start of turn; is immune to allied dispels; this damage ignores Protection; inflict a stack of Brain Worms on target enemy when this character uses a Special ability, which can't be prevented Granted Ability: Brain Freeze Stun target ally, which can't be prevented and remove all stacks of Brain Worms. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 8 Dark Side and Neutral Units
  • Third Sister
  • Inquisitorius
  • [/list] ----------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 4 Sector 3 - Mixed Planet - Kessel Ground Modifier - Confusing Tunnels Whenever a character uses a Special ability, they gain a stack of Confuse (max 3) until the end of the encounter. All characters gain the granted ability Clear Head at the start of battle. Confuse: Detrimental effects build based on the cumulative number of stacks:
    1. Can't gain buffs
    2. Can't counter, assist, or gain bonus Turn Meter
    3. (Raid bosses and Galactic Legends: -30% Counter Chance)
    4. When this unit uses their Basic ability, increase their cooldowns by 1, which can't be resisted
    5. (Raid bosses and Galactic Legends: -50% Defense, does not stack with Defense Down)
    (Granted Ability): Clear Head Remove all stacks of Confuse from self. Encounter Modifier - One Step Ahead Scoundrel allies gain +30% Max Health, +20 Speed, and are immune to Buff Immunity. While buffed, Scoundrel allies take 30% less damage, have +50% counter chance, and inflict Defense Down for 2 turns when attacked, which can't be resisted. While debuffed, Scoundrel allies gain +10 Speed. Space Modifier - Akkadese Maelstrom Whenever a ship uses a Special ability, they gain a stack of Confuse (max 3) until the end of the encounter. All characters gain the granted ability Recompute at the start of battle. Confuse (Ships): Detrimental effects build based on the cumulative number of stacks: [list=1]
  • Can't gain buffs
  • Can't counter, assist, or gain bonus Turn Meter
  • When this ship uses their Basic ability, increase their cooldowns by 1, which can't be resisted
(Granted Ability): Recompute Remove all stacks of Confuse from self. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 8 Light Side, Dark Side, and Neutral Units
  • Jabba the Hutt
  • Qi'ra, L3-37
  • Ghost
-------- PHASE 5 --------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 5 Sector 1 - Light Side Planet - Ring of Kafrene Ground Modifier - Critical Intel At the start of the encounter, one random ally and enemy is secretly granted the Informant effect (excluding summons). Critical hits against the Informant reveal them. The first time an Informant is defeated, if there is an active Informant remaining, that Informant and their allies gain 50% Armor Penetration and Critical Chance, 25% Critical Damage, and 20 Speed. Then, Informant is dispelled from all characters. Informant: Defeat this character to gain buffs for your team Encounter Modifier - Imperial Supremacy If there is an Empire ally in the Leader slot, they gain 30% Max Health and Max Protection, and the strongest ally Taunts for 2 turns at the start of the encounter. Whenever an Empire ally (excluding summons) uses a Special Ability during their turn, all Empire allies increase the damage they deal by 10% until the end of the encounter, and then all other Empire allies are called to assist If there is an active Empire ally at the end of each ally's turn, summon an Imperial Probe Droid with Taunt for 1 turn if the allied slot is available. Encounter Modifier - One Step Ahead Scoundrel allies gain +30% Max Health, +20 Speed, and are immune to Buff Immunity. While buffed, Scoundrel allies take 30% less damage, have +50% counter chance, and inflict Defense Down for 2 turns when attacked, which can't be resisted. While debuffed, Scoundrel allies gain +10 Speed. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 9 Light Side and Neutral Units
  • Cassian Andor
  • K-2SO
----------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 5 Sector 2 - Dark Side Planet - Malachor Ground Modifier - Drain Essence All other allies lose 25% Max Health and Max Protection. Gain 5% Offense per ally affected this way. Then, gain a bonus turn. Encounter Modifier - A Few Surprises Left Rebel allies gain 50% Health Steal and can't be countered. Whenever a Rebel's Health drops below 40%, they are inflicted with Cornered, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. When a Rebel ally's Health is above 70%, Cornered is dispelled and they gain 10% Offense (stacking, max 50%) for the rest of the encounter. Cornered: +30% Offense, calls a random Rebel ally to assist when using an ability, and can't attack out of turn. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 9 Dark Side and Neutral Units
  • Eighth Brother
  • Fifth Brother
  • Seventh Sister
----------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 5 Sector 3 - Mixed Planet - Vandor Ground Modifier - Sabacc Shift At the end of each character's turn, they have a 50% chance to gain Health Up (35%) or Health Down (35%) for 2 turns. If a buff or debuff was gained in this way, dispel all other Health Up or Health Down effects. Encounter Modifier - Boxed In At the start of the encounter, all enemies are inflicted with Healing Immunity until the end of the battle, which can't be resisted. All enemies are inflicted with a Damage Over Time effect at the start of any enemy's turn, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. At the start of the encounter, an indestructible Crate that is immune to debuffs is summoned to the ally slot if it is available. When an enemy damages the Crate, that enemy recovers 50% Health and Protection, which can't be prevented, and removes all of the Damage Over Time effects on them applied by this modifier. Space Modifier - Cloud Riders All ships have +100% counter chance. Whenever a ship uses a Special ability, a random enemy gains 15% Turn Meter. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 9 Light Side, Dark Side, and Neutral Units
  • Jabba the Hutt
  • Young Han, Vandor Chewbacca
-------- PHASE 6 --------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 6 Sector 1 - Light Side Planet - Scarif Ground Modifier - You May Fire When Ready Every 10 turns, all characters take massive damage, which can't be evaded. Encounter Modifier - Endless Ranks At the start of battle, Imperial Troopers gain 1 stack of Endless Ranks for each Imperial Trooper ally. Endless Ranks: When defeated, remove 1 stack of Endless Ranks from all Imperial Trooper allies and revive with 60% Health and Protection Space Modifier - All Wings Report In At the start of battle and whenever a Capital Ship uses their Call Reinforcement ability, reduce the cooldown of Call Reinforcement by 2. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 9 Light Side and Neutral Units
  • Baze, Chirrut, Scarif Rebel Pathfinder + 2
  • Cassian Andor, K-2SO, Pao
  • Profundity
----------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 6 Sector 2 - Dark Side Planet - Death Star Ground Modifier - Volatile Energies At the start of battle all units gain the Volatile Energies ability which starts at 0% energy. When a unit with this ability starts their turn, this ability gains 5% energy. Units with this ability deal increased damage equal to the amount of energy present. If this ability is fully energized at the start of a unit's turn, they may activate it to expend all energy and destroy target enemy, which can't be evaded. Units defeated by this ability can't be revived. At the start of battle all units (excluding summoned allies) gain the Superlaser Blast ability which starts at 0% energy. (Granted Ability): Superlaser Blast When a unit with this ability starts their turn, this ability gains 5% energy. Units with this ability deal increased damage equal to the amount of energy present. If this ability is fully energized at the start of a unit's turn, they may activate it to expend all energy and destroy target enemy, which can't be evaded. Units defeated by this ability can't be revived. Space Modifier - Enemy Fighters Coming Your Way The cooldown of Call Reinforcement on both Capital Ships is reduced by 1. Whenever a Light Side unit is reinforced, they gain Dramatic Entrance for 2 turns, which can't be prevented or dispelled, and inflict Offense Down on target enemy for 2 turns. Whenever a Dark Side unit is reinforced, they gain Outmaneuver for 2 turns, which can't be copied, and inflict Evasion Down on target enemy for 2 turns. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 9 Dark Side and Neutral Units
  • Darth Vader
  • Iden Versio
  • Imperial TIE Fighter
----------- Phase and Alignment - Phase 6 Sector 3 - Mixed Planet - Hoth Ground Modifier - Frigid Expanse All units gain the Thermoregulate ability. At the start of each unit's turn, they are inflicted with Frostbite until they are defeated, which can't be resisted. Frostbite: -2% Critical Chance, Potency, and Speed per stack; this unit is defeated upon reaching 10 stacks Thermoregulate: Remove two stacks of Overheat and Frostbite from target ally (Cooldown: 3). Ground Modifier - Bacta Tanks All units gain the Smells Bad on the Outside ability. At the start of battle, all units are inflicted with Deadly Storm, which can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted. The first time an ally would be defeated, they instead dispel all debuffs on themselves and remove Deadly Storm from all allies, recover 100% Health and Protection, gain Damage Immunity and Stun for 1 turn. These status effects can't be copied or dispelled. Deadly Storm: -100% Critical Chance, -50% Offense, -25% Speed, and characters take damage at the start of their turn equal to 10% of their Max Health Smells Bad on the Outside Remove Deadly Storm from self and gain Critical Chance Up, Offense Up, and Speed Up for 2 turns. (Cooldown: 5) Space Modifier - Asteroid Belt At the end of every other turn, all units are inflicted with Damage Over Time until defeated, which can't be resisted. Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 9 Light Side, Dark Side, and Neutral Units
  • Jabba the Hutt
  • Doctor Aphra, 0-0-0, BT-1
about 2 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link
Hi Holotable Heroes,

The new Territory Battle, Rise of the Empire launches soon and here are some details to help you prepare for our first Territory Battle that uses your entire roster!

Overview of Missions, Modifiers, and Required Characters & Factions
Each phase will require characters of a specific Relic level. Not all squads composed of that Relic level are guaranteed to clear every wave of every encounter in that phase. Even squads and characters over the minimum Relic level may find certain encounters or planetary modifiers insurmountable due to the nature of the battle.

Much like previous Territory Battles, you need the right units, the correct strategy, and at least the min Relic levels to beat these Combat Missions. Unlike previous Territory Battles, Encounters are static and you will face the same enemies in each Encounter every time to enter that battle.

We are including here a breakdown of what units and factions will be required in missions in any given phase, as well as what Modifiers are in play for that planet. Many of these Planetary Modifiers will look familiar, as they are identical to the ones used in Galactic Challenges that take place on those planets, but we have added additional ones as well as changed some planets’ modifiers to a different effect. Modifiers marked as Encounter Modifiers will occur on at least one combat encounter on that planet.

Remember, appropriate modding will be a deciding factor in many battles! Using the improved Mod Management and new Mod Enhancement systems to filter and calibrate your existing mods can give you the significant advantage needed to see victory where you once saw defeat.
NOTE: Recommended Relic levels should be used as a rough guideline. Mods, Squad composition, combat strategy, and Operations will also greatly impact the difficulty of these battles.

NOTE: Min Requirements are for Combat Missions and Operations but not Deployment


Phase and Alignment - Phase 1 Sector 1 - Light Side
Planet - Coruscant
Ground Modifier - Thunderous Applause
All characters (excluding summons) gain the Democracy granted ability which starts at 0%. Whenever an ally gains a buff or inflicts a debuff on an enemy, increase all ally's energy by 5%. At the start of the encounter, both Leaders gain 100% Potency and Tenacity, 100 Speed, and are immune to Fear. The enemy leader is immune to and destroy effects and can't fall below 1% Health while an ally is present.

(Granted Ability): Democracy
Set Democracy's charge to 0% for all allies. Inflict 1 stack of No Confidence on the enemy Leader and Stun them for 1 turn, which can't be evaded or resisted. When the enemy Leader reaches 3 stacks of No Confidence, they are instantly defeated (including Galactic Legends), all allies no longer gain charge, and all allies (excluding summons) gain Thunderous Applause for the rest of the encounter.
Encounter Modifier - Total Obedience
If the allied Leader would be defeated, a random Clone Trooper ally is defeated instead and the allied Leader gains 100% Health and Turn meter.
Whenever a Clone Trooper ally takes damage, all Clone Trooper allies gain Protection Up (10%) for 2 turns. Whenever the allied Leader takes damage, all ally Clone Troopers gain 12% Turn Meter.
Space Modifier - This is Where the Fun Begins
At the start of battle, a random ship is inflicted with Marked until they receive damage. Whenever a ship is Marked, all other ships gain Taunt for the rest of the encounter. Whenever a ship inflicted with Marked is attacked (excluding the Capital Ship), the attacking ship is inflicted with Marked for the rest of the encounter. Marked ships have -50% Defense and +50% Offense. Ships with Taunt have +50% Defense and -50% Offense. Whenever a ship attacks a Marked target, they gain 10% Offense (stacking, max 200%), and if they critically hit the Marked target, they gain 10% Critical Damage (stacking, max 200%). Whenever a ship with Taunt is attacked, they lose 10% Defense.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 5
Light Side and Neutral Units
  • Jedi
  • Mace Windu, Kit Fisto
  • Outrider

Phase and Alignment - Phase 1 Sector 2 - Dark Side
Planet - Mustafar
Ground Modifier - Lava Fields
Whenever a character uses an ability, inflict Burning on them for 1 turn, which can't be evaded or resisted.
Space Modifier - Molten Planet
Whenever a ship uses an ability, inflict Burning on them for 1 turn, which can't be evaded or resisted.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 5
Dark Side and Neutral Units
  • Lord Vader
  • Scythe

Phase and Alignment - Phase 1 Sector 3 - Mixed
Planet - Corellia
Ground Modifier - Scrumrats
At the start of battle, a random enemy gains Coaxium, which can't be prevented or dispelled. Whenever a character with Coaxium is attacked, the attacking character gains Coaxium.
Coaxium: +25% Critical Damage and Speed; -15% Accuracy; will be critically hit if able; enemies can ignore Taunt to target this character; if this character is defeated by a status effect, Coaxium will not be granted to anyone
Encounter Modifier - One Step Ahead
Scoundrel allies gain +30% Max Health, +20 Speed, and are immune to Buff Immunity. While buffed, Scoundrel allies take 30% less damage, have +50% counter chance, and inflict Defense Down for 2 turns when attacked, which can't be resisted. While debuffed, Scoundrel allies gain +10 Speed.
Space Modifier - Corellian Engineering
At the beginning of battle, each side summons a random Corellian Engineering Cargo Ship. At the start of their turn, Cargo Ships gain Protection Over Time (10%) for 1 turn.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 5
Light Side, Dark Side, and Neutral Units
  • Doctor Aphra
  • Jabba the Hutt
  • Young Han, Qi'ra
  • Lando's Millennium Falcon, Outrider


Phase and Alignment - Phase 2 Sector 1 - Light Side
Planet - Bracca
Ground Modifier - Endless Ranks
At the start of battle, Imperial Troopers gain 1 stack of Endless Ranks for each Imperial Trooper ally.Endless Ranks: When defeated, remove 1 stack of Endless Ranks from all Imperial Trooper allies and revive with 60% Health and Protection
Encounter Modifier - Imperial Supremacy
If there is an Empire ally in the Leader slot, they gain 30% Max Health and Max Protection, and the strongest ally Taunts for 2 turns at the start of the encounter. Whenever an Empire ally (excluding summons) uses a Special Ability during their turn, all Empire allies increase the damage they deal by 10% until the end of the encounter, and then all other Empire allies are called to assist.
If there is an active Empire ally at the end of each ally's turn, summon an Imperial Probe Droid with Taunt for 1 turn if the allied slot is available.
Space Modifier - Orbital Scrapyard
The first time a ship is reduced to 1% Health (excluding summoned ships), it recovers 100% Health and Protection, and gains Decommissioned until the end of the encounter, which can't be dispelled or prevented. If a ship is inflicted with Decommissioned at the start of its turn, it is destroyed, and all other allies gain 20% Max Health, Max Protection, and Offense (stacking) until the end of the encounter.
Decommissioned: -50% Speed; can't assist, counter attack, gain bonus Turn Meter or buffs
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 6
Light Side and Neutral Units
  • Jedi

Phase and Alignment - Phase 2 Sector 2 - Dark Side
Planet - Geonosis
Ground Modifier - Geonosis Arena
Whenever a unit uses a Special ability, they gain a stack of Entertainment which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented.
Entertainment: +10% Max Health, Offense and Potency per stack
Space Modifier - 3720 to 1
Whenever a ship is inflicted with Target Lock, it also gains Foresight and Stealth for 2 turns, which can't be dispelled.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 6
Dark Side and Neutral Units
  • Geonosians

Phase and Alignment - Phase 2 Sector 3 - Mixed
Planet - Felucia
Ground Modifier - Nysillin Farm
At the start of each character's turn, they gain Heal Over Time (10%) for 1 turn. While a character has Heal Over Time, they have +25% Defense and are immune to Buff Immunity. Whenever a Heal Over Time expires, the character gains Offense Up for 1 turn. Recovery effects are increased by 20%.
Space Modifier - Nysillin Trade
At the start of each ship's turn, they gain Protection Over Time (10%) for 1 turn. While a ship has Protection Over Time, they have +25% Defense and are immune to Buff Immunity. Whenever a Protection Over Time expires, the character gains Offense Up for 1 turn. Recovery effects are increased by 20%.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 6
Light Side, Dark Side, and Neutral Units
  • Young Lando Calrissian
  • Hondo Ohnaka
  • Jabba the Hutt


Phase and Alignment - Phase 3 Sector 1 - Light Side
Planet - Kashyyyk
Ground Modifier - Righteous Retribution
Whenever a unit takes damage, they gain 20% Critical Damage (stacking) until they score a critical hit.
Whenever a unit is debuffed, they recover 10% Protection.
Whenever a unit is defeated, another random ally takes a bonus turn.
Encounter Modifier - Imperial Supremacy
If there is an Empire ally in the Leader slot, they gain 30% Max Health and Max Protection, and the strongest ally Taunts for 2 turns at the start of the encounter. Whenever an Empire ally (excluding summons) uses a Special Ability during their turn, all Empire allies increase the damage they deal by 10% until the end of the encounter, and then all other Empire allies are called to assist.
If there is an active Empire ally at the end of each ally's turn, summon an Imperial Probe Droid with Taunt for 1 turn if the allied slot is available.
Space Modifier - Blockade
At the start of the encounter, increase the cooldown of Call Reinforcements by 1 on all Capital Ships.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 7
Light Side and Neutral Units
  • Light Side Wookiees
  • Profundity

Phase and Alignment - Phase 3 Sector 2 - Dark Side
Planet - Dathomir
Ground Modifier - Dark Magick
Every 10 turns, all defeated characters are revived at 50% Health.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 7
Dark Side and Neutral Units
  • Doctor Aphra
  • Empire

Phase and Alignment - Phase 3 Sector 3 - Mixed
Planet - Tatooine
Ground Modifier - Dune Sandstorm
At the end of every other turn, all units are inflicted with Damage Over Time until defeated, which can't be resisted.
Space Modifier - Binary System
The first time a non-Capital Ship uses a Special ability each turn, it gains Ability Block for 1 turn, which cannot be prevented, and takes a bonus turn.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 7
Light Side, Dark Side, and Neutral Units
  • Fennec Shand
  • Jabba the Hutt
  • Grand Inquisitor + 4 Inquisitorius
  • Executor


Phase and Alignment - Phase 4 Sector 1 - Light Side
Planet - Lothal
Ground Modifier - Rebellious
Whenever an ally uses a special ability during their turn, call a random other ally to assist. Whenever a character attacks out of turn, they gain a stack of Rebellious, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. At 20 stacks of Rebellious, they gain an additional 30% Offense.
Rebellious: +2% Critical Chance and Critical Damage (stacking, max 20)
Encounter Modifier - Endless Ranks
At the start of battle, Imperial Troopers gain 1 stack of Endless Ranks for each Imperial Trooper ally.
Endless Ranks: When defeated, remove 1 stack of Endless Ranks from all Imperial Trooper allies and revive with 60% Health and Protection
Space Modifier - Probe Droids
Whenever a ship has 4 or more buffs, they are inflicted with Breach and Expose for 1 turn. These effects can't be resisted.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 8
Light Side and Neutral Units
  • Jedi
  • Phoenix

Phase and Alignment - Phase 4 Sector 2 Dark Side
Planet - Haven-class Medical Station
Ground Modifier - Brain Worm Outbreak
At the start of battle, all characters are inflicted with a stack of Brain Worms until the end of battle, which can't be dispelled or prevented, and gain the granted ability Brain Freeze.
Brain Worms: Lose 5% Health per stack at the start of turn; is immune to allied dispels; this damage ignores Protection; inflict a stack of Brain Worms on target enemy when this character uses a Special ability, which can't be prevented
Granted Ability: Brain Freeze
Stun target ally, which can't be prevented and remove all stacks of Brain Worms.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 8
Dark Side and Neutral Units
  • Third Sister
  • Inquisitorius

Phase and Alignment - Phase 4 Sector 3 - Mixed
Planet - Kessel
Ground Modifier - Confusing Tunnels
Whenever a character uses a Special ability, they gain a stack of Confuse (max 3) until the end of the encounter. All characters gain the granted ability Clear Head at the start of battle.
Confuse: Detrimental effects build based on the cumulative number of stacks:
  1. Can't gain buffs
  2. Can't counter, assist, or gain bonus Turn Meter (Raid bosses and Galactic Legends: -30% Counter Chance)
  3. When this unit uses their Basic ability, increase their cooldowns by 1, which can't be resisted (Raid bosses and Galactic Legends: -50% Defense, does not stack with Defense Down)
(Granted Ability): Clear Head
Remove all stacks of Confuse from self.
Encounter Modifier - One Step Ahead
Scoundrel allies gain +30% Max Health, +20 Speed, and are immune to Buff Immunity. While buffed, Scoundrel allies take 30% less damage, have +50% counter chance, and inflict Defense Down for 2 turns when attacked, which can't be resisted. While debuffed, Scoundrel allies gain +10 Speed.
Space Modifier - Akkadese Maelstrom
Whenever a ship uses a Special ability, they gain a stack of Confuse (max 3) until the end of the encounter. All characters gain the granted ability Recompute at the start of battle.
Confuse (Ships): Detrimental effects build based on the cumulative number of stacks:
  1. Can't gain buffs
  2. Can't counter, assist, or gain bonus Turn Meter
  3. When this ship uses their Basic ability, increase their cooldowns by 1, which can't be resisted
(Granted Ability): Recompute
Remove all stacks of Confuse from self.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 8
Light Side, Dark Side, and Neutral Units
  • Jabba the Hutt
  • Qi'ra, L3-37
  • Ghost


Phase and Alignment - Phase 5 Sector 1 - Light Side
Planet - Ring of Kafrene
Ground Modifier - Critical Intel
At the start of the encounter, one random ally and enemy is secretly granted the Informant effect (excluding summons). Critical hits against the Informant reveal them. The first time an Informant is defeated, if there is an active Informant remaining, that Informant and their allies gain 50% Armor Penetration and Critical Chance, 25% Critical Damage, and 20 Speed. Then, Informant is dispelled from all characters.
Informant: Defeat this character to gain buffs for your team
Encounter Modifier - Imperial Supremacy
If there is an Empire ally in the Leader slot, they gain 30% Max Health and Max Protection, and the strongest ally Taunts for 2 turns at the start of the encounter. Whenever an Empire ally (excluding summons) uses a Special Ability during their turn, all Empire allies increase the damage they deal by 10% until the end of the encounter, and then all other Empire allies are called to assist
If there is an active Empire ally at the end of each ally's turn, summon an Imperial Probe Droid with Taunt for 1 turn if the allied slot is available.
Encounter Modifier - One Step Ahead
Scoundrel allies gain +30% Max Health, +20 Speed, and are immune to Buff Immunity. While buffed, Scoundrel allies take 30% less damage, have +50% counter chance, and inflict Defense Down for 2 turns when attacked, which can't be resisted. While debuffed, Scoundrel allies gain +10 Speed.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 9
Light Side and Neutral Units
  • Cassian Andor
  • K-2SO

Phase and Alignment - Phase 5 Sector 2 - Dark Side
Planet - Malachor
Ground Modifier - Drain Essence
All other allies lose 25% Max Health and Max Protection. Gain 5% Offense per ally affected this way. Then, gain a bonus turn.
Encounter Modifier - A Few Surprises Left
Rebel allies gain 50% Health Steal and can't be countered. Whenever a Rebel's Health drops below 40%, they are inflicted with Cornered, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. When a Rebel ally's Health is above 70%, Cornered is dispelled and they gain 10% Offense (stacking, max 50%) for the rest of the encounter.
Cornered: +30% Offense, calls a random Rebel ally to assist when using an ability, and can't attack out of turn.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 9
Dark Side and Neutral Units
  • Eighth Brother
  • Fifth Brother
  • Seventh Sister

Phase and Alignment - Phase 5 Sector 3 - Mixed
Planet - Vandor
Ground Modifier - Sabacc Shift
At the end of each character's turn, they have a 50% chance to gain Health Up (35%) or Health Down (35%) for 2 turns. If a buff or debuff was gained in this way, dispel all other Health Up or Health Down effects.
Encounter Modifier - Boxed In
At the start of the encounter, all enemies are inflicted with Healing Immunity until the end of the battle, which can't be resisted. All enemies are inflicted with a Damage Over Time effect at the start of any enemy's turn, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented.
At the start of the encounter, an indestructible Crate that is immune to debuffs is summoned to the ally slot if it is available. When an enemy damages the Crate, that enemy recovers 50% Health and Protection, which can't be prevented, and removes all of the Damage Over Time effects on them applied by this modifier.
Space Modifier - Cloud Riders
All ships have +100% counter chance. Whenever a ship uses a Special ability, a random enemy gains 15% Turn Meter.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 9
Light Side, Dark Side, and Neutral Units
  • Jabba the Hutt
  • Young Han, Vandor Chewbacca


Phase and Alignment - Phase 6 Sector 1 - Light Side
Planet - Scarif
Ground Modifier - You May Fire When Ready
Every 10 turns, all characters take massive damage, which can't be evaded.
Encounter Modifier - Endless Ranks
At the start of battle, Imperial Troopers gain 1 stack of Endless Ranks for each Imperial Trooper ally.
Endless Ranks: When defeated, remove 1 stack of Endless Ranks from all Imperial Trooper allies and revive with 60% Health and Protection
Space Modifier - All Wings Report In
At the start of battle and whenever a Capital Ship uses their Call Reinforcement ability, reduce the cooldown of Call Reinforcement by 2.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 9
Light Side and Neutral Units
  • Baze, Chirrut, Scarif Rebel Pathfinder + 2
  • Cassian Andor, K-2SO, Pao
  • Profundity

Phase and Alignment - Phase 6 Sector 2 - Dark Side
Planet - Death Star
Ground Modifier - Volatile Energies
At the start of battle all units gain the Volatile Energies ability which starts at 0% energy. When a unit with this ability starts their turn, this ability gains 5% energy. Units with this ability deal increased damage equal to the amount of energy present. If this ability is fully energized at the start of a unit's turn, they may activate it to expend all energy and destroy target enemy, which can't be evaded. Units defeated by this ability can't be revived.
At the start of battle all units (excluding summoned allies) gain the Superlaser Blast ability which starts at 0% energy.
(Granted Ability): Superlaser Blast
When a unit with this ability starts their turn, this ability gains 5% energy. Units with this ability deal increased damage equal to the amount of energy present. If this ability is fully energized at the start of a unit's turn, they may activate it to expend all energy and destroy target enemy, which can't be evaded. Units defeated by this ability can't be revived.
Space Modifier - Enemy Fighters Coming Your Way
The cooldown of Call Reinforcement on both Capital Ships is reduced by 1. Whenever a Light Side unit is reinforced, they gain Dramatic Entrance for 2 turns, which can't be prevented or dispelled, and inflict Offense Down on target enemy for 2 turns. Whenever a Dark Side unit is reinforced, they gain Outmaneuver for 2 turns, which can't be copied, and inflict Evasion Down on target enemy for 2 turns.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 9
Dark Side and Neutral Units
  • Darth Vader
  • Iden Versio
  • Imperial TIE Fighter

Phase and Alignment - Phase 6 Sector 3 - Mixed
Planet - Hoth
Ground Modifier - Frigid Expanse
All units gain the Thermoregulate ability. At the start of each unit's turn, they are inflicted with Frostbite until they are defeated, which can't be resisted.
Frostbite: -2% Critical Chance, Potency, and Speed per stack; this unit is defeated upon reaching 10 stacks
Thermoregulate: Remove two stacks of Overheat and Frostbite from target ally (Cooldown: 3).
Ground Modifier - Bacta Tanks
All units gain the Smells Bad on the Outside ability. At the start of battle, all units are inflicted with Deadly Storm, which can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted. The first time an ally would be defeated, they instead dispel all debuffs on themselves and remove Deadly Storm from all allies, recover 100% Health and Protection, gain Damage Immunity and Stun for 1 turn. These status effects can't be copied or dispelled.
Deadly Storm: -100% Critical Chance, -50% Offense, -25% Speed, and characters take damage at the start of their turn equal to 10% of their Max Health
Smells Bad on the Outside Remove Deadly Storm from self and gain Critical Chance Up, Offense Up, and Speed Up for 2 turns. (Cooldown: 5)
Space Modifier - Asteroid Belt
At the end of every other turn, all units are inflicted with Damage Over Time until defeated, which can't be resisted.
Combat Requirements (All ships required at 7 stars) - Relic 9
Light Side, Dark Side, and Neutral Units
  • Jabba the Hutt
  • Doctor Aphra, 0-0-0, BT-1
about 2 years ago - CG_SBCrumb - Direct link
Units used in Operations Operations function the same as Platoons and Squadrons, but may contain a mix of Characters and Ships instead of only including one or the other. Rise of the Empire is Territory Battles but on a grand scale and includes many different types of characters, including Galactic Legends and Conquest units. Guilds that are at the level needed to compete in Rise of the Empire are well prepared to fill these Operations with some careful forethought and planning. These are static Operations and should remain the same mix of units in the same quantities and spots for the foreseeable future, so your guild will have targets to aim for to make sure they can fill out the Operations every time they play Rise of the Empire. Coruscant: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Corellia: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Mustafar: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Bracca: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Felucia: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Geonosis: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Kashyyyk: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Tatooine: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Dathomir: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Lothal: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Kessel: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Haven-class Medical Station: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Ring of Kafrene: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Vandor: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Malachor: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Scarif: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Hoth: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Death Star: [spoiler] [/spoiler] Rewards for GET3 Rise of the Empire introduces a new currency: Guild Event Tokens 3. This currency will be used to buy shipments in the Guild Event Shipments tab. These are the items that can be found for GET3: Character Shards
  • 5x Wat Tambor Shards
  • 5x Ki-Adi-Mundi Shards
  • 5x Razor Crest Shards
  • 5x Commander Ahsoka Tano Shards
  • 5x Maul Shards
  • 5x Boba Fett, Scion of Jango Shards
  • 1x Omicron Material
  • (this will be in the Weekly Shipments)
  • 2x Electrium Conductors
  • 2x Zinbiddle Cards
  • 2x Impulse Detectors
  • 1x Gyrda Keypad
  • 5x Micro Attenuators
  • 5x or 10x Mk 7 Kyrotech Shock Prod Prototype Salvage
  • 5x or 10x Mk 9 Kyrotech Battle Computer
Older Territory Battle Reward Adjustments As we mentioned in the previous Road Ahead, lower Star rewards for older Territory Battles were going to be increased to help lower Galactic Power Players catch up, particularly on the Hoth Territory Battles.
  • Star rewards below 30 on Light Side Geonosis, 27 on Dark Side Geonosis, and 42 on Hoth
  • (Light and Dark Side) will be increased to a higher quality gear chest
  • The lower the Star Reward tier, the greater the increase in rewards
  • Conversely, Star Rewards just below each cutoff were only slightly increased
  • (or in some cases, unchanged)
This will result in an overall flattening of rewards while maintaining some incentive to earn more Stars. These gear changes are in addition to the overall acceleration of older gear that will also be released at this time. Wrapping Up One last note before we wrap up, we will be adding achievements for completing this Territory Battle in the future. There’s a link below to submit any further questions you might have about these changes or the new Territory Battle! --------------- [b]Have a question about the new Territory Battle? Fill out this form here: [b] CLICK HERE Question Deadline:12/7/2022, 8:00 AM PT

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