about 3 years ago - JackieKo - Direct link
Hi UlaVii,

The team is aware of this and will be looking into it. Please note that this does take time to investigate in order to find a suitable resolution, so to set expectations, a solve for this will not be able to be implemented in 7.0, however, I will provide updates when possible.
over 2 years ago - BryantWood - Direct link
Hey players!

I'm here with an update on Guild Perks and Guild Leveling. As Jackie mentioned, we're aware of the issues caused by the current Guild System and are looking into it. Today's news is that 7.1 will include a small change to help this problem! We're going to continue evaluating the larger Guild Leveling and Guild Perks system but here's what you can expect with patch 7.1.

We are increasing the number of Guild Commendations given when a Guild meets their Conquest Target:
  • Small Yield Rewards 80 (up from 70)
  • Medium Yield Rewards 90 (up from 80)
  • Large Yield Rewards 100 (up from 90)

With the opportunity to complete 4 Conquests in a month, this adjustment will provide some more Guild Commendations to those high level guilds wanting to stay active with their Perks. As mentioned, we'll continue to evaluate both these systems, but we hope this change makes it easier to keep your guildmates perked up!