10 months ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hello everyone! 

Pleased to announce that items inspired by The Acolyte will be coming with Game Update 7.5 "Desperate Defiance!" More details on all the individual items can be found here

10 months ago - EricMusco - Direct link

Hey folks!

Really happy to see the reception to the inspired by The Acolyte items that have dropped with 7.5. Reminder that the series premieres on June 4th! 

As you all saw, there are some customizations, a new Vibroblade, and armor set that are available in the Cartel Market. Included in the armor set are two variations of the hood, one without character hair showing and one with character hair showing. I am sure some of you could be wondering, why offer both options (some of you might already know the answer, let’s talk about why and set some context.

As some of you likely know, typically when we release an armor set with a hood up, we hide your character’s hair. Without getting into a bunch of technical details, quite simply our hair is an “all or nothing” situation. What that means is if your hair is short (or long) and protrudes out, or is long and crosses an area where the hood curves, it will clip out of the hood and there isn’t much we can do about it currently. Given our concern around it clipping in a variety of situations, we have opted to hide hair as the lesser of two evils.

However, we wanted to try something different for the Dark Harbinger set by giving you two options of the hood! This way you can decide whether you want your hair to display or not. And again as noted above, this does mean the “with hair” version will clip with a number of hairstyles and that is not a bug that we will be addressing (it’s just how it works today), it is up to you if that is something you are ok with or if you will ultimately choose to use the hidden hair version on that character. We just wanted to give you more agency over your appearance.

Given how you’ve generally reacted to “with hair” hood helmets/hoods in the past I suspect this is something you will all be pretty positive about but we really wanted to be clear about the possibility of clipping, and what it means for you. Let us know your thoughts and we’re really looking forward to seeing you all in game for Desperate Defiance :).


9 months ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hi everyone, 

Game Update 7.5b contained a few more items inspired by The Acolyte. The new Devoted Disciple player customization, armor, lightsaber, and dualsaber are now available. As with the Dark Harbinger hood, there is one full hood option and another to show hair underneath. Please keep Eric's post in mind about how hair under the hood is displayed. 
