over 4 years
ago -
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I just wanted to update some of the timing around Replica rewards, as promised in my previous post.
As a reminder, we talked about rolling out the remaining replica rewards throughout the course of Season 13 (the current season) and Season 14, with the longer term goal being returning to exclusive, new rewards after Season 14.
Since then, we've identified some additional Replica rewards we would like to add to the vendors. See below for the updated and expanded reward plan:
- Available starting in Game Update 6.1.3 (Targeting Wednesday, September 9):
- Predacious Weapon Set (Season 6) - 50,000 pvp tokens
- Commanding Weapon Set (Season 8) - 50,000 pvp tokens
- Baron Deathmark's Predacious Wrangler mount (Season 6) - 200,000 pvp tokens
- Available starting in Game Update 6.2 (Targeting early December):
- Gladiator Weapon Set (Season 5) - 50,000 pvp tokens
- Giradda's Acklay mount (Season 7) - 200,000 pvp tokens
- Baron Deathmark's Swashbuckling Cutter mount (Season 4) - 200,000 pvp tokens
- Gladitorial Nexu mount (Season 5) - 200,000 pvp tokens
- Available in a future Game Update (but well before the end of Season 14):
- Furious Armor Sets (Season 3 - there are four sets) - 100,000 pvp tokens each
- Furious Weapon Set (Season 3) - 50,000 pvp tokens
- Baron Deathmark's Furious Walker mount (Season 3) - 200,000 pvp tokens
- Ember Makrin mount (Season 8) - 200,000 pvp tokens
In addition, we've heard your feedback around bringing back Replica Color Crystals, and we're working on a plan for those. Both pricing and timing TBD, but we will likely make some available beginning in Game Update 6.2.
We've heard lots of your feedback around pricing as well. We have no plans to adjust pricing, however we will certainly evaluate boosting the end of season token payouts for all rating tiers (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum).
I also mentioned in the last post that we would be converting non-seasonal Ranked PvP Reward Tokens to a Legacy currency in a future update. That future update is here! The conversion will take place with the 6.1.3 Update.
Finally, we've seen and heard lots of reports about harassment and general toxicity in the game, in particular in PvP. I'm looking forward to sharing more about the things we've been working on to address toxicity in particular and the state of PvP in general in a future post.
As always, we appreciate any feedback you have!