12 months ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hi everyone, 

There’s been conversations surrounding the removal of Timer Achievements that are tied to Master Mode (MM) Operations, and we wanted to give you all a glimpse of what led us to this change and what’s happening behind the scenes now. We typically do not openly talk about exploits, however, this is a unique situation and we wanted to add more context to what transpired. 

In short, there was an Operations bug that was being exploited that allowed players to clear Story Mode level Ops under the guise of playing in Master Mode and earning MM rewards. At the time the bug existed, players that joined a group readying for a Master Mode run could leave the group, reset their phase as Story Mode, rejoin the group, and the entire instance the group was in would be set for Story Mode. The instance, however, would still look like the group was in Master Mode. Thus it was possible for a group to run a Story Mode Op and receive Master Mode rewards upon completion.  

For a period of time, it was possible for players to partake in this exploit whether they were aware of it or not. When 7.4.1 launched, titles were removed from players who completed Master Mode Operations within that window of time. 

We are looking into the game data around all MM kills as some players, guilds, and groups are reporting they did this Achievement legitimately while this exploit was live. Currently, the appropriate teams are reviewing the accounts of all players involved with Master Mode runs prior to 7.4.1 going live to validate the legitimacy of the claims.

This will take time to review and process, so appreciate your patience as the team sorts through all the data. I will update this thread with next steps pending the completion of the investigation.

Thanks all

11 months ago - CommunityTeam - Direct link

Hi folks,
Updating this thread to inform players that Game Update 7.4.1c is now out and it contains the change that will grant eligible players the Master Mode Timer Achievements. Players will see the Achievements applied to their accounts once a character logs in.
Thanks for your patience!