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Dynamic Encounters

Dynamic Encounters is new world content that offers a variety of missions for players to experience. They are meant to breathe life into the planets they inhabit, giving players a sense that something is always happening at any given time. As players explore planets, they will naturally come across Dynamic Encounters or they can find active Encounters on their map. Missions can range from taking out Hidden Chain forces to herding escaped Banthas running amok in a space port. These Encounters will debut on Hoth and Tattoine with 7.6. 

Hidden Chain Invasions are special Dynamic Encounters where players are tasked with stopping Heta Kol’s forces as they continue to wreak havoc in the galaxy. These Encounters can take place on Hoth and Tattooine, but can also be found on several other planets. 

As players complete Dynamic Encounters, they can receive special rewards like unlocking various Achievements, obtaining the Freckled Loth-cat Kitten pet and Hidden Chain and Electric Gaze armor sets. Completing the meta-achievents of each planet will grant the themed Frozen Peaks and Desert Sand Mounts. 

The Propagator Core XR-53 Operation Boss

A new Operation boss will be coming with 7.6. The Propagator Core XR-53 originated from one of the many broken pieces when the Emperor's Fortress crashed onto Ilum. The XR-53 is a Rakatan droid replicator trying to fix itself by harvesting resources. Story and Veteran Modes are now live! 


Three new tiers of augments have been released with 7.6! Read the details on how to obtain them here. For a full list of schematics and their requirements, read here!  

Planet and Character Modernization

Our modernization efforts continue on with Game Update 7.6. Character models, specifically heads, will also see improved fidelity across the game! Players will see updates to their character via updated character textures, along with ocular specularity and with lighting, and shader improvements. Our goal is to improve the fidelity of characters across the game while keeping your character uniquely yours. 

PvP Season 7

Season 7 “The Path to Mastery” begins with 7.6! For a full breakdown of the new season and its rewards, click here

Life Day

Our winter seasonal event begins today! The Ornate Life Day Robes have been added to the list of rewards that can be earned! The Tirsa G1-F7 mount
has been added to the Cartel Market.

Cartel Market Offerings

New outfits, weapons, customizations and dyes are now available in the Cartel Market. Alongside Star Wars: Skeleton Crew™ inspired items, players can get their hands on Shae Vizla’s Battle Scarred armor and unique Remote Trading Outpost Decoration Bundle inspired by Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge™. See everything available here!

Additionally, a highly requested long hairstyle will be made available for players for free! This customization will automatically be added to the hair character slider.     

Character Customization in the Appearance Designer is 90% off until January 7, 2025.

Best View in SWTOR winners

The Best View contest winners have been selected and their framed decorations can be found on the Anniversary vendor. Congrats to this year’s winners!

Twitch Drops

For the next 28 days, the Amethyst Vulptilla Mount Twitch Drop will be active. In order to obtain it, make sure that you go to your account page on swtor.com, and link up your SWTOR account and your Twitch account. Watch live SWTOR content on Twitch for four hours in order to unlock the mount! 

Companion Mount Subscriber Reward

Players who have an active Subscription between now and January 4th will receive SWTOR’s first ever companion AND mini pet compatible vehicle mount

We’re releasing character names!

We’ve been looking for opportunities to release inactive character names, and we have selected 7.6 launch as the time to begin this process. Please read through this blog in its entirety to understand how you can keep your character name if it was impacted.

Master the Fight: Starbolt Bundle

This limited time offer Master the Fight: Starbolt Edition Bundle includes:

  • 180 Days Subscription Time + 600 Cartel Coins per month
  • 5500 Cartel Coins
  • Vectron 240R Starbolt Mount 
    • Rideable at level 1
    • Base speed as fast as Speeder Rank 5 (130%)
    • Gives players a speed boost while mounted
  • Primary Metallic Yellow Dye (x5 per character)
  • Secondary Metallic Yellow  Dye (x5 per character)
  • Bundle is priced at $99.99 USD

This bundle will be available until January 14, 2025.

(Vectron 240R Starbolt Mount)

(The left panel shows the armor’s default colors. Primary and Secondary Yellow dyes have been applied in the second and third panels)

Bundles are a one-time purchase and are non-tradable and non-transferable. Bundles are delivered via in-game mail and are available on all characters. After purchase, you will need to re-log before receiving your items.