12 months ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hi all, 

I've asked for players to answer some questions the team is asking regarding this issue here in this thread. We'll be keeping an eye on responses. 

12 months ago - JackieKo - Direct link
17 hours ago, JackieKo said:

Hi all, 

I've asked for players to answer some questions the team is asking regarding this issue here in this thread. We'll be keeping an eye on responses. 

Hi everyone, 

Thanks to all who are providing info the team needs to investigate this issue further. There is a follow up troublshooting step they would like you to try if deleting the client_settings_ini file AND adjusting the graphicsquality line to 1 does not work. 

For players who are unable to get past the key art loading screen, can you:

  • Open the client_settings_ini file to edit it.
  • Under the [Renderer] section, delete all the lines save for the GraphicQuality line and adjust that to 1

As an example, your file should now look something like this. 

GraphicsQuality = 1

MoviesFolder = ..\..\Movies
SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic

  • Save and load up the game. 
  • Please report here whether or not that fixed your issue. 

I do ask that comments are kept to providing the info asked for, so we can quickly collect responses. 


12 months ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hi everyone, 

I know we’re coming up on the weekend, so I wanted to update this thread with what’s happening regarding this issue. 

First, thanks to everyone who is supplying info for us and answering the questions the team has. It’s helpful in their investigation into this issue. 

Second, a fix has not been determined as of now, however, please know that this is a priority for the team. 

Third, the team has requested that DxDiag files be sent to [email protected]. Please only send in files if you are impacted by the issue of not being able to get past the loading screen. And be sure to include your account name! 

If the team needs additional info, I will update this thread again. 

Lastly, we understand that the players impacted by this problem have not been able to get into the game since 7.4.1 went out, and we are working on plans to compensate those players. This will be executed after a fix has been made and deployed. 

Thanks for your patience everyone! 

12 months ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hi all, 

Please keep an eye on the dev tracker for this issue. Updates concerning this fix can be found here. Thanks! 

11 months ago - CommunityTeam - Direct link

Hello everyone! We are happy to see the players who were unable to get past the loading screen now able to log into the game. As stated before, we are working on compensating impacted players regarding lost time, so please keep an eye on this thread for updates later this week.

10 months ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hi everyone,

Appreciate your patience on this matter! We were looking to grant game time back to accounts that were impacted by the loading screen issue that didn’t require players reaching out to support.

As of today, all accounts that were subscribed while the bug was active have been granted 30 days of game time to their account. This will be reflected on their subscription status on their account page on swtor.com and they will also be receiving the automated subscription email as well.

Thank you for your patience, everyone!

EDIT: Was informed that the subscription rollouts are showing that they will take some time, so the grants are not immediate!