6 months ago - KeithKanneg - Direct link

Hi folks, 

You’re right, It has been a while since we initially mentioned DirectX12 (DX12)! Development has taken place for the better part of the year and it is still ongoing. We've also added several graphics-focused features and made other adjustments in the last year. The metallic, chrome, and pearlescent dyes, new cinematic lightning and shadows are examples of what’s included in this initiative, along with some changes in 7.6 we’re excited to share with you soon.

With that work completed, the team is back to getting the engine to handle DX12 architecture changes to support object and texture types and a new shader management system. Although we do not have a large announcement to make about DX12 right now, we have been discussing putting an alpha implementation into players’ hands sometime before mid next year. We will share more details closer to when we're ready to begin that testing. 

As a reminder, DX12 sets a new technology baseline enabling us to make visual improvements over time. Similar to when we rolled out the 64-bit upgrade, changes will not be super dramatic right out the door, rather, this tech provides a solid foundation for us to build on, and we’re all pretty excited to see what’s possible once it’s here.  
