Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics Dev Tracker

25 Feb


Originally posted by Dylan14102016

I can log in, but f**king queue is still down. I'm also playing on my phone. Game is pure garbage on smartphones.

Is the ranked queue still down for you?

24 Feb


Originally posted by OtterBall

Thanks, Rito

we gotchu


Originally posted by icemoo

good ol riot

1-release some cool skin

2-break it in a future patch leaving only bare minimum features

3- not a prioritized fix we already got your money >:^ )

Damn, you saw right through us I can't believe it!!

On a serious note though, we have a lot of bugs to go through and prioritize, and it is often impossible for player support to know the exact estimate on a lot of these bugs, hence the blanket reply of "we dont know when this will be fixed".

However, I just talked with the Little legend's sound designer, and it seems like it is already fixed internally for Patch 11.5.

lmk if ya'll have any further questions!

22 Feb

17 Feb

14 Feb

13 Feb

12 Feb

10 Feb


Originally posted by co7vc3

Relogging worked for me. Disable wifi and enable it and try it again. I used mobile data and it worked. Then reenabled it.

Awesome, glad you found a workaround! If you ever have it happen to you again, and if you have time, please send a log my way so I can take a look on what the problem may have been. Instructions are in this post :)


Hey friends, sorry about the rough experience around log-in recently :( Can you help us out and send me your logs via DM?

Let me know if you have any questions!

How to get logs:

Getting Game Logs from iOS and Android

The two platforms have different ways to retrieve information so the process is listed below. Make sure you follow the steps for the correct platform.


  1. First find the main storage on the device. This can be doine via apps like file managers or via Setting > Search for “files” > select Files
  2. In Files follow this path.
    1. Android > Data > com.riotgames.league.teamfighttactics > files > documents > logs
  3. Find the game logs folder and select the correct logs folder from within.
  4. Copy/paste that to either google drive and send it to me.


  1. Using a PC or Mac with iTunes installed, connect the mobile device using a U...
Read more

08 Feb


I played a comp the other day with this loadout. Not the 3* Braum and Brand, but 2* ASol + Olaf with good items, 6 DS 3 Slayer 3 Mage. It was great. Having multiple threats was strong.

05 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]

Thank you! It's super frustrating! It also doesn't work well with password managers like 1pass, but that's not a huge problem if I don't need to log in every time.

Do you happen have a video of this happening on your phone? Or anyone else reading this comment.


Sorry this has been happening! We have been having a hard time pinpointing why this happens to some folks, if any of you have the time, it would be helpful to know your Region, Phone make and model, and if you are available getting some logs from your phone sent over our way.


Hey all!

To not leave you in the dark, we have been actively working on a fix, but have not fixed the issue yet unfortunately. I know it's super frustrating, but we're trying to figure this out ASAP!