If you earned everything from this point on you'd get around 9000 more points. The last reward is at 16000, so you'd have a bit of time to spare even.
If you earned everything from this point on you'd get around 9000 more points. The last reward is at 16000, so you'd have a bit of time to spare even.
Wasn't the emote enough? /s
Yeah honestly where are the rewards for set1
Not forgotten about. Plan is to talk about ranked rewards, both for the initial set and going forwards later this set.
not yet right?
It lives!
Around noon PST (SoonTM) B-side notes are few and far between but they are a little strange on our end as they're basically just a large micropatch. The client won't tell you that it's updating or updated. We'll message it out when it goes live.
is this just a visual change or will the functions of D and F buttons will change too ?
I didn't care too much initially since I use the keyboard however if that is the case, it is important.
Visual only, D and F keys should remain as they are now.
This is 100% correct
It's so accurate that I'm wondering if it's your burner account.
Lucian and Senna, you heard it here first
Piggybacking on top comment - I got my dates wrong here, forgot that 9.23 was a 3 week patch instead of a two week one. New units should be on PBE around the 25th of November instead as a result, apologies for getting that wrong.
Yep, our goal is to have a main set that's always available in normals/ranked with older sets brought back temporarily at times. Not sure on exact format for that yet (a weekend tournament? a 2 week mini ranked season? etc). Also not sure when we'll start doing so. Definitely want to give people the chance to replay older sets though.
Any hope of seeing Illaoi in a future set, or perhaps an addition to this one? She's my favorite SR champion and she seems like she'd have a lot of potential in TFT!
I expect we'll see her at some point, not sure when yet though
Thanks for the ama.
When I have a Jax on a mountain field (+30hp each turn). Then upgrade it to a 2* Jax. Will the Jax keep the +30hp he got the past turn/turns ?
He will yes.
Are the numbers of players still strong? When tft came out twitch had over 100k viewers, now it’s less than 15k. Could this lead to Riot dropping the game in the future like URF?
We'll be in it for the long term. Playerbase numbers do fluctuate, especially when there hasn't been new content for a bit. As Jag mentions even towards the end of Set 1 they were still in a good spot though and Twitch isn't very reflective of playerbase size. The addition of the mobile client next year is also expected to increase the playerbase significantly.
We tested Bard casting Tempered Fate, but didn't like how he fit into the Trait structure (and his spell needed work).
Second time we tried out Bard with his R as well - he was a champ in the original prototype set we build before set 1 for a while. That set had similar traits to set 1, though meaningfully different content (e.g. Illaoi as a low cost Pirate Brawler).
What about the mage cap?
Yeah, my bad here, I forgot we'd swapped Rod of Mages out :(
After doing absolutely no research on his comment, my best guess is that this was at a time in development when the mage item would build out of the Needlessly Large Rod before they decided to switch it to the Tear
It changes them into... Mountain!
Uh, sure, nailed it.
Definitely good call to send in that ticket. I also use the Blitz App and just confirmed that it's all good on our end.
I see a RoA on Malphite. New items perhaps
That's a Rod of Mages, not a Rod of Ages. I'll give you one guess what it does to the unit it's put on!
Edit: Apologies folks, I'd forgotten we'd swapped Rod of Mages out as the Mage spatula item :(
Haha I’m a dumbass I meant legends of runeterra not TFT... oops
Ah, I'm not the person to answer then, will have to leave that to the LoR team :)
Are there no individual unit adjustments from the pbe to the patch tomorrow? Or did I just miss a section of the notes?
There's been a ton of smaller stat changes on PBE, but I'm not going to start cataloging those until they are changed from something on live servers. Expect patch notes to get back to normal with patch 9.23.
at what time does LoL patches usually go live? I mean when the servers are back online and you're able to play? My friend is thinking if he should pull an all-nighter but I don't know when it hits live in EUNE.
Patches will roll out region by region over the next couple of days. We typically patch in the very early morning hours outside of peak play times. In NA for example, it's typically live the morning after the patch notes (Wednesday).