over 5 years ago - UbiAmper - Direct link
Greetings Agents,

Please welcome Merphee and SevenNVD as volunteer moderators on the forums.

We've requested their help keeping the forums clean and organized, especially with the recent spam. As members of the community and avid forum users themselves, we're sure you've seen them around. If not, feel free to introduce yourself!

Thanks again,
The Division 2 Team
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link
You both have done excellent work in the forum so far and we are honored to have you both on board
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Johan - Direct link
Originally Posted by tcarlisle2012
Moderators should not be required to refrain from posts which are critical of the game or the games direction.
Just to be clear here, in no way do our moderators need to refrain from criticizing the game or the direction it's taking. They are expected to abide by and uphold the rules, and there is nothing in our rules that specifies that you can't be critical of our game.

It's the delivery of such messages that might break the rules, not the message itself

/ Johan.
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link
It was removed due to the tone of the thread.